kay... my fault fr not updatiNg this bLog fr a weeK alreaDy...say 1 week
iz passes quite fast to0...juz a bLink of an eye...but day by day it iz
kiNda borIng doiNg the same routine everyday at the shop there...
wish november ends quickly...so can get my pay..huHu~! but heaRd that
the HQ say that they onli pay p/t by the mid of deC...so itz sort of not
faiR agaiN...they shouLd pay by the 1st week of the month...! they are
so goNna pray that no oNe buRns dowN their shop!
buRn till nothings left but dust....hav to speak to the retail manager
agaiN and hope they can pay p/t earlier...

well, nothing quite spectacular happeNed though throughout the whole
week but the saMe usual thiNgs happen everyday...luCkily that my shift
fr this week isn't that loNg...mostly mornings and afternooNs....not FULL
shift...if not - i'll faiNt but i find shifts are also tiring especiaLLy duriNg
weekends... had to ruN up and down frm the display area to the store
juz to get the right size fr the custoMer coz that feller can't make the
decision...typicaL...had my off day too last friday...so, juz sit at home
and watch tv...had missed my favourite shows...so juz watch the
whoLe day...was kiNda borIng though... juz imagine what i would do
if i'm not working...the day wouLd definately borinG...wonDer what
are the others are doiNg...laze arouNd ?? so, ppl liKe tiNg, ka and the
others...what arE YOU guys doiNg....? i hearD that YiNky's woRking so
i thiNk she's worKin...the others?? whEre in the woRld are ya iN ??

fraNkly, i fiNd eatiNg out most of my tiMe duriNg my break ain't that
cheap too...i thiNk it wouLd make up to 10% of my pay...and thats a
lot...can't heLp it but to juz controL... sometimes, when i dont feel
like eatiNg...theN i wouLd go and read books at Popular...and hav
somethiNg light like ice-cream / cinnamon bun frm Ikea be4 reading
books...can't seem to hav enough time reading bks though duriNg
my break...beeN readiNg the new series of SmaLLville...and itz so
niCe to reaD!! seeMs that every break time...i wouLd read about 2
to 3 chapters of the book...after a few days i've read about more
than haLf of the bk...timE well speNt with..reaDing...i also avoided
myself frm reading reference bks...chem, bio all those...phobia
aLready...gotta take some tiMe off frM thoSe type of bks...they can
makE a persoN go boNkers...
hmm... alSo heaRd that someoNe was shoutiNg at the shop i was
worKing at...the other day...well, wasn't there to see the
'drama' that happeNed though....i aLways miss it... it seeMed that
the man shouted till the whoLe store hears it...well, faciNg these
type of probLems iz good fr health...but hope it doesn't get too
serious or go over-board...the customer would thrash the whole
place upside-down....

wroTe enough aLready...gtg sleep now...tomorroW's a fuLL shiFt
would be extra tireD tomoRrow...10 till 10...12 hrS !! at the
shoppiNg compleX...thats loNg...! till neXt timE...

:: eNd ::