finaLLy back agaiN to bLog... afteR being away fr approx. 2 & 1/2 days
juz got baCk today frm some plaCe miles away from here...[P.J] well,
it seEms everything iz fiNe here... nothing much happening though...
arriveD around 4 p.m, so juz relax fr a while - went out with cousin,
and all to the lame-est night market which iz TmN tuN... there's nothin
much to see there...unLike Bangsar night market which iz way better
got a lot of things to eat to0... don't know why they decided to go
there -- mayb coz itz neaR....then had dinner and went walking around
1 Utama...with parents to0 btw... then juz walk everywhere mainly the
new side of the complex....wasn't in the mood to buy anything - so juz
look & cousin got buy some things and also saw a lot of ppl
there...unexpectedly saw yeinfei workin at one of the shops... the place
iz quite packed though especially the main area...itz a sunday!! duH
some Nokia mobile phone display around there...

waLked frm the ground floor till the 1st and 2nd floor then went down
again then they all went to see shoes...some place called Aldo - the
stuff looks quite niCe there but expensive mum won't mind
spending on things like that...if she neEds it desperately that is...
so, they want to buy then buy la...

agaiN somethiNg juZ caughT my atteNtion :: gueSs waD ???????
-> the temp. staff at the shop [aLdo], which had juz sparked me out of
my 'undefined mood' - okay! she juz greeted me wheN i entered the
shop..surprised when she looked eye to eye whiLe greeting me :: let's
say 5 seconds ?? i juz smiled at her but regretly didn't get her name
when it was imprinted on her name tag...possibly it wasn't her name
on the tag itself...hoPe can pass-by therE agaiN juz to get a glimpse
*i'm un-attached, so plz don't say that i'm a two-timer...

aLso had a haiR-cut the othEr day at somE more expensive shop, which
i don't usually go coz this time my dad iz paying fr nvm then
mum didn't object this time...but she say once in a while alright coz
haven't been cutting my hair fr some time..and itz like a bush...
and itz supRisiNgly satisfying....the hair stylist was juz great coz he did
it in a different way and it changed my hair itz not standing somehow in a different look/style...ya, i knoW...itz time
fr a change already....and i liked it...

so, going to work tomorrow with a new hair-style...and get rid of the
old one... talking 'bout work -- holiday iz over already... back to the
same shop to start work...hav to stay back too fr set-up at night...
tomorrow will be afternoon shift then the start of fair will be full and
we'll see but sure be busy...

planniNg to go ice-skating too!! on my off-days fr sure but hav to go
and see the schedule first... at sunway la with my friends and cousins
so excited!! haven't beEn skating since my last holidays...
sEems fast - november iz approaching its end..1 month more to enJoy!!
AttN ppl :: appreciate the time u hav now to da fullest!!!!
especially next yr's sec. 5...SPM coming sooN...

tireD of typing already...itz late! gtg now...will blog agaiN soon...

:: eNd ::