Hectic day.

Accounting again. 2 more weeks.
It's the end as we know it. :D

Can't wait for August holidays to bum around for 3 whole weeks
before Fall semester starts

Photos from ze other night =)

The Girls

The Guys

Yin and Ting
&Ding-dong, the furry toy is so cute :)


=X *shy*

Friends forever&always

I miss this bunch of friends the most. although we only meet 2 times
a month. and soon.. few more are leaving. sobs

Can't wait for the next huge gathering when you're all back.

I had a packet of condom today.

what's your flavor?

No. Wasn't close to planning to do anything with it yet. :P
they were giving out samples of Durex stuff. a friend passed one to me
lol. they're giving out packets of lubricant too. Pina Colada flavor. xD

Now that condom is in my wallet. xD
It was in my pencilbox earlier. -.- but my accounting lecturer saw it
and was shocked I carried 'that' around. sigh. i stoned.

I realized here's what I've been missing all along.
it makes me feel better. somehow. nvm..
tomorrow is no-college-day. heading to Klang for BKT with the girls
and maybe to KL with them; for retail therapy. but with -ve cash. deng

Now off to finish up Acc homework. Imma goodboy :)

Look after my heart -- I left it with you. <3

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