94. mE agaiN.

short update.... nothing bigg la... juz something that i juz notice
about last time... this person commented as a testimonial in my
Friendster last yr..

shaun liew....
i knew tis guy for 3 years...he's always
i dun understand him at all. he just dun
make frens, damn unfriendly, and always
stare at people as if he hates the whole
at least last year when we were in the
same class, he still talk to me a
little. but now, in 4 adil damn arrogont
man! take pure science so what???
when i pass by him, he just treat me
like a shadow, dun even bother to look
at me .
shaun, im telling u this for your own
good. u i dun expect u to approve this
testi, i only hope that u will change ur
ok... so wadd ya think ppl... actually this person ah.. i also dunno
wad to say// i approved that testimonial to0... to say that i
acknowledge that kind of statement although it may not be
necessarily true... At that time la.. I really think that this *?* iz
so... judgmental despite the fact that this person did say in my
tagboard to mE that.. "I wasn't that close to u anyway..."

how can you judge something that you'd barely know of ???
To get this straight- i'm not flaming anyone or trying to offend
this particular person.... since we're both Form5s' & schmates
fine.. this topic sounds like Janice's one...

actually i would personally feel that to judge a person JUSTLY...
only a person that is really close / best friends.. even best friends
do not comment like that... they comment in a more constructive
manner.. not just "play shoot the cannon before knowing yr target"

alright.. i'm done emo-ing... i'm happy now... kinda stressed-
so, itz well understood why. i dont 'GAR' at ppl.. =)

p/s:: i dont want to put names but i know that you're reading...
well, frankly i'm already over it la... no grudges... i still treat you
as a friend... =]

93. Holidays to0 can be boring..

yuppppzzz... it can seriously be kinda boring...

i really do not have a life now... i only have an online life which iz
rather inactive for the time being except this blog which i'm gonna
abandon in about less than 2 weeks...

since November iz like NEXT WEEK!
as well as Graduation Day... =] yahh.. i cant stop saying it...

neway, i've gotta finish the worksheets teacher gave us be4 the
holidays.. no matter wad...oddly, i had a sudden interest in History
yeah... yeah... History as in Sejarah which iz not-as-crappy as Moral
we got the Form 4s' Final Exam History paper which wuz rather easy
except the Revolusi part which i had put less attention at...

we'd actually got overloaded with History papers when this nicE lady
Cik Ng Ai Li had gave us 2 more sets of papers... yep! can't thank
her enough...but she's real nice lah... =]
on the other hand, got Biology papers that Pn. Lim L.L gave us + a
workbk to do... possibly i'd be enjoying doing that... also Math
and A Math stuff to-do...

neway, i went to my mum's office at Phileo Damansara 1 today...
the day was kinda boring as there werent any calls which they used
to hav every morning... so, 2 of her staff were off that day... juz sit
in her ro0m lor...use the comp. fer a lil' while...
chatted with Kaka, then study....

wasn't i suppose to stay-away from that?

anyhow... i did not touch the comp. juz put the away status... and
started mugging History... from Tamaduns'... till Islam in S.E. Asia
all the Bani-bani... [bunny-bunny... har-har] - khalifah, umaiyah...
till it wuz lunch time.... then went out... camE back then continued
to the penyebaran crap... & that's it... had to let it process first..

the view outside of the ro0mm... very few cars around... so...
no jam lah... which iz normally congested...

wanted to scan my class piC but didnt bring so... to0k a piC of it
instead a close shot la... and a centre shot or else the faces
wouldnt be clear...
one of the best candid.... =] to0k early part of this year...

one element though... Hui Ting's SPECIAL smile.... had made it q.
unique... but had asked her to do it again but can't seem to get
the same pose... neway, the gave us canteen tables to stand on
which iz rather wobbly... so, halfway through... it went unstable
and tilted to the side abit... LOL...

last Friday, had started reading A Walk To Remember - 2nd time
its actually a nicE story... very nicE indeed... hahaha...

of course... i dont go sensitive or emo after reading this novel or
seeing the movie... like how alot of ppl like Meng Yean said she
did...and did anyOne else????

think that's it.... =]
last piC... this iz Pn. Zalina. Malay Language teacher... can be
quite air-headed fierce as a laohu... i think this piC will be up
during Graduation Day... if Shirlena didnt delete it...
but she's quite ok lah... =]

*I felt inspired after listening :: When You Believe by Whitney H.
& Mariah Carey... Prince of Egypt OST ... was the prince = Moses??

In case i dun update... remembr to take piCs... LOTS of them
during Graduation Day nex week ppl... and Ze Wei... do hav a
party nex Jan. so that we'll b able to celebrate wif you... unlike
the previous, previous year... (:


92. Life's getting boring

yellO ppL... holidays are coming so0n... =]

well.. starting this Friday exactly... no school till end of nex week
and that shows... no fun & games but study... study & study...
i mean really STUDY... no outing [hopefully..] but juz study laH

today i didnt go 2 sch, starting of my study leave [Day 1]... i woke
up at 9.00+ a.m and studied till 11.00+ a.m - i didn't even touch da
comp. although itz juz in front of mE.. [kononnya vry disciplined]
but till nearly 12 o'clock - i turned it on... swt!...
ltr, Shirlena [the teacher tt teaches da subject-i-hate-Moral]..SMSed
that she'll be free aftr 12 so can transf. the piCs to her laptop...
so, gt ready and sneaked into sch... transfer aldy... then went back
at 1.30 cz got tuition at 3 o'clock... it also seems that the real SPM
papers are aldy here - nearby la... in SMKDU where all the papers tt
we're gonna take is there... they got "bilik kebal" wor... to burn it
no use la... itz fire-proof...only can bom it wor... ahaaha...

after previewing the presentation.. kinda ok la.. not bad...song also
acceptable la... since they insisted on using the Westlife song...
ltr on, they added another song... also an 80's song... dunno who
sing that la... to0 much oldies... *speechless*

neway, last week went back to Ipoh on Friday for some reason...
and got to explore abit of the town la... finally know hw to go to old
town aldy... juz by crossing the bridge frm new town and found that
St. Micheal Instituition where I.X came from and facing it was the
padang besar... one thing that surprised me wuz Ipoh iz nicknamed
"The Ageing Town" cz of quite a num of old folks around... but
there's stil younger ones la... night life wasnt fantastic but only fo0d
went walk-walk at the Jusco Kinta City... i'd still prefer 1 Utama
though... it was a short trip only and came back in the evening on da
following day...

this iz a tortoise... =] it lo0ks like onE.. rite???

got this tortoise froM mE freN, zE wei a.k.a uncle fatty/ex-criminal/creamy
ect. for my 17th birthday early this yr... seems he got it frM China...
he did went there la and surprisingly sent me a birthday SMS while he
wuz there... ahhaha =) he has many nicks which i dunno why coz
YiNky/MustardQ created a name : creamy for him...
well, Shirlena wuz also attracted to this piC and asked me to send
it to her... it has a cover on top of it and itz hollow... made frm coco
shell... and seashells :: as in the head and tiny legs at the bottom...

btw, do you like da name Hari Graduasi or Graduation Day better??
i stil dun get why they dun juz use the English one instead of the
Malay word which wuz 'dimelayukan' from an English word... -___-
well, its on the 31st October 2006... hope can takE l0ts of piCs...
on that day...itz gonna be fuN... =] also got a short talk i think by
some TV3 personality... a Malay guy...

actually intended to post some emo stuff... some light 'comment'
about stuff i observed lately.. but it always makes me think that why
can't life be much more easier... think i'll post about that later...=]
neway, why waste time being emo...? be happy.. (:

you cant afford to study in an emo mo0d... therefore do study
in a study mood... [as in go0d mood la..]

nex attempt :: stay away from the comp. for a longer period of time
hopefully i could do that....


p/s :: wont b updating frequently... during holidays depending..

[[Mission Stay Away from Comp.]]

91. A Random Week...

this week iz VERY random... nothing much but crappy results...
and other stories... =] [boring & undescribable]

well, lets start of with a convo i had wif Kaka that day...

Kaka : you still going to school after this?
mE : stil thinking...
Kaka : its just like exam!!!
mE : yeah... haihz... why? dun want to go already??
Kaka : sure.. sure want... I will always go...
Kaka : but very sien lar...... its not like schooling life anymore
mE : duh! we onli hav like less than a month left...
Kaka : :( haha... ya hor...
mE : things now are like VERY fast...
Kaka : no no... i just hope its over... i'm so sick of it
mE : yeah... life now seems so pathetic... very unlively...
Kaka : well.... at least my class is... livelier than yours- hehe
mE : mine's like some cemetery-like at times...

well, at least i improved on the dumbass Moral... and didnt flunk
History... others wuz moderate...except A. Math... this week iz filled
with exercises... a.k.a h/w... they're drilling us to the bottomless pit
anyhow... l0ts of ppl neva show up fr sch this few days...probably on
their own "study leave"... [shud i / shud i not] do so...?

my physics teacher again missing in action... god noEs where in the
world she went to... Anisha said she went shopping -___- so, we
didnt get to check our physics paper... my form teacher said...
"whther anot she's coming back... no changes of marks..."

my response :: [-____- <-- infectioner icon] dunno wad to say la
i wasnt in a gd mood cz... my biology marks went down.. cz of paper
2 haihz... & i dun get it why my Math teacher doesnt want to go for
her maternity leave... she's like very due aldy... not that i wanna
shoo her away... but she's walks like a penguin sometimes... =P

this penguin iz huh??... hahahahh.. xD

tday, we tried to take some jumpin' piCs.... with Hui Ting's cam
it sort of turned out in many form of piCs like some abit ghostly,
funnny... unsuccessful... so & so... thinking to take the piC for
da Graduation Day final photo... well, dunno la can jadi or not..
cz nex wk iz final wk to hand in materials... then Kaka lend us
her tripod but we didnt use... swt!
bout the songs... we'll prob select 2 onli... it will b a surprise
for some but will let teacher hear some of it frm my mp3 to
decide which to choose....

photos ah? not yet la... hav to separate for Graduation Day piCs
first... got to choose which to burn to0...

anyone noticed the blogger bar on top of da page...? i didnt set
ah... i change to Blogger in beta... then suddenly got that bar..
which had actually been disabled from the code... the beta vers.
quite ok actually... since everyone hav to switch to it one day...
why not? =)

blogg later...

90. Exams over... more anxiety coming..

i'M back to bloggg... juz came back from lantern-ing outside...

another week of exam over... total of 4 dayz xtra exam.. which wuz
right after Trials... oddly- it wasnt as stressful but its STIL an exam..
other Form 5s' from other schs were jollying over the week of holiday
Friday no exam thats why i didnt go to sch... it would be very
pointless or rather insane to go

well, today's my blog's 1st birthday as well as the Mid-Autumn Fest.
or known as Mooncake/Lantern Festival...

well... as the 1st Anniversary... i juz changed my blog skin 2 the
one Wrinkyskins made fr mE by MOCHS.. [god noEs wad tt stands for]
and itz bLUE... =]
the original color wuz green but i didnt like it - so change la...
other wuz juz a change a lil' here & there... will change the tag
board color so0n too...

neway... juz resting the whole way through... except for went out
fr lunch at 1 Utama and tuition this afternoon... then dinner at 1U
again... my mum bought Mo0ncakes froM the whole lot of shops
near the Starbucks place...

got Cass's letter from Singapore again... har har... "What a pity.."
that i wasnt being able to go fer her mambo-jumbo concert...
[not funny! Del] and her "Prom Nite"...during the end of Nov
we'll be havin exams that time... F.Y.I eh! =P
will probably see ya'll in Dec.. aftr exams... hopefully without the
need to go explore down there aimlessly...

SPM iz drawing closer aldy... wuz flipping my calendar over and i
saw "OCTOBER???? #%@$%%*$^#$#% iz so weeks away..."
when that time comes... and the end of everything..

there will be no waking-up-at-6 routine
there will be no walking to sch every mornin'
there will be no talktalk session..
there will be no school life...

Graduation Day iz on the 30th October... and the only extra thing
that they'll be doing iz the PowerPoint presentation... done by my
sch's counsellor... will b helping her with it and prob will put some
touching songs when my class photos are displayed... =]
feels like kinda bonded with this sch cz been in this sch fr 5 years
aldy... along wif ppl like Kaka.. YiNky.. Mustard-Q...Hang Woon
and others... since lower secondary during the zaman pemerintahan
of Chan Sim Ai... things hav changed...

even my tuition teacher wuz sayin' that at this point... everything
will b freakin' fast.. soon- we'll be entering exam hall... then nex
finish exam... then bye-bye SMKBU... & a start of something new
stil undecided what i shud be doing soon.. since i'M kinda a study
and don't study type... stil keeping my options wide... lol..

stil... I cant wait for all of it to end... and a start of something
new from High School Musical song...

will upload piCs aftr i settle down... think straight and study...
when got MOO-D... like Janice's friend [9A student] said ::

"before SPM, when got mood to study must study really really
hard... if the mood doesn't come leh.... then must find a way to
make the mood come lor... "

bloggg ltR & Happy Birthday to "Revived- I.Am" blog... =]
