I'm finally back on blogging track.
yesterday I went for Launching of New Clorets Dark Secret at Celebrity
Fitness, One Utama. together with its Amateur Pole Dancing competition.
which I'll blog about later.

Hectic week. which really is.. juggling so many stuff at one time.
Recap: Yean left for NS. Woon's B'day at Canton-i and Midterms.
and MORE bitching below.

I finally bought Jesse McCartney's latest Departure album. xD
Original ehhhhh...

and Cheng Sim wanted me to lend to her for 7 working days. =.="
haha. not bad the CD.i like. oni lacked more bonus features.

the Asian CD edition had Bleeding Love in Bonus track. He co-wrote it
for Leona Lewis but sang his own version in this album.
He has a different style now. watch his Leavin' MV and you'll know.
lol. :D

Celebrated Hang Woon's B'Day at 1 Utama after amending the plan
couple of times.. hah~ but I guess everything went well...
lunch at Canton-i was so-so... I'd prefer its 'sister branch' - Dragon-i

gah. transport problems solved by going to Chee Yin's house.
I'm still waiting for free time to go learn & bake cookies at her place..

Here's some photos of it.

and yea- had fun :D

Had Macroeconomics assignment to complete. it was plain procrastinating
I swear I dragged myself to finish it. huh. and that's only the report.
Powerpoint not yet. and it had to be dem early (my turn, that is)

I have about 3 weeks before the end of the semester. still slacking on
Human Resource assignment. lol..
obviously swaying off the priorities on other (important) stuff.. xD

the Intercultural Communications lecturer is a bitch..
I regret taking the bloody subject this semester and should've waited
for Padma to take over. Its a NEWBIE taking over and gawd..

Here's several characteristics of that bitch:
1) Late for 5 mins and you shall be locked outside.
2) We 'virtually' cannot use cellphone in class. WTF. Bitch stare!
3) If you're late for a quiz. You can only answer 3 out of 5 questions.
4) She constantly blabbers about having oh-so-many-students.
5) Going in or out of class IS forbidden. She'll give the bitch stare
6) She even eats in class during our quiz. WTF
7) she the ONLY one that evaluate participation when students talks. WTF?
then those shy ones that shaddup get ZERO participation marks AH? tulan.

Her nonsensical rulings close to being authoritative. some retard fella.
WHY! she think I cannot afford paper izzit? WTF. A few was late
for Midterm exam for about 10 mins and she ask to use our own paper
instead of using the college's one.. like the earlier ppl.

attitude when lecturer evaluation comes. Kick her ass out of college and
hope she become UNEMPLOYED. and become a discouraged worker.
for all i care. bitch. HELL even her course outline is like a speech

Not only me. All of us, senior students were complaining about her.
coz no other lecturer is like that bitch. SHE CALLS IT THE DEPARTMENT'S
INSTRUCTION "kononnya" when she's the only one doing it.
are you that STUPID or what? for sure, we're not so stupid to buy that crap.

NO ONE is with much guts to even speak AGAINST her fearing that they'll
be awarded with a FAIL. WTF!? but seriously it's reality. BITCHES like her.
it's NOT WORTH paying RM1,200 because of bitches. not worth it I tell you!

chilll.. thats for now. Got spreadsheet/mails to follow up.urgh

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yea yea.. another Nuffnang initiative post.
taking a break off doing work. stress and tired -.-

Whose your HERO? who isn't so average... lol.

Its a bird... its a plane.... its SUPERMAN...
sound familiar?? lol

Hardly the case if Superman weakness is kryptonite. but I still cant help
but to think of him as a hero... lol

Virtually save lives of innocents with superpowers. which I had powers
like that. xD Well I like to watch Smallville. for so many seasons.
I even have several series of the books...

I've watched this ever since the first season till the 8th i think. lol
one of the best Superman series ever.
haha. besides Lana Lang here is kinda pretty too. like duh.
I feel if there's a Hero in reality would be someone ordinary enough
to save the society from so many bad stuff happening. so to speak.

The last series of Superman wasnt that great compared to Smallville
Dean Cain starred in that series.

I wonder if these superheroes are for real?
like Hancock here...

We're about to find out during Nuffnang's private screening on 7th July
- 9.30 p.m at Cineleisure Damansara The Curve.

Find out more about the screening at Nuffnang blog
and this better get me a free ticket :)

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Nang it!
wo0t! Last Saturday I went for F&N Freestylz campaign where
8 finalist of can-designers battle for the Japan trip...

the can they designed was HUGE.

yep! it was that huge eh.. There were about 8 cans of those on display
for voting by the public.. I voted for No. 5 designed by this dude...

Loo Kok Chern from KL

haha.. seeing these artist being asked "Why there's a dot on yr can etc."
they went "????" or rather the inspiration just flowwwwww...
or somehow its there? hahaha.


somehow Chinese breakdancers cant breakdance as well as Malay can
lol. observation laa.. even Su Ling agrees. lol.
after that went for dinner hosted by F&N themselves at Italianies.
wo0t! for the Media attendees.


and also they were launching their Limited Edition F&N Cans that day
those were co-designed by Joe Flizzow, Danny One and Meet Uncle Hussain
...the Media got autographed set of those limited edition cans. :D

awesome dinner I'd say. hahaha.

They had a Q&A session for the media and some press interaction
so anyone in for a question? lol.
gets a Plasma TV!

Lucky draw for the Plasma TV went to Andrew Wong fellow blogger,
Su Ling's kawan. hahaha.

he dem excited weh. hahaha.. I'm wondering what brand of TV! lol..

after that was performances by the kinda boring street magician..
Danny One, Joe Flizzow and Meet Uncle Hussain


DJ Fuzz from Hitz.fm

Danny One

Joe Flizzow

Lastly they announced the winner for F&N Freestylz winner for the
trip to Japan.. turns out to be...

This dude is Sin Kok Pei from Kedah disliked by Su Ling.. hahaha
due to his attitude during announcing him as the winner. he behaved
as tho it wasn't him who won. wth?! feel proud and happy la.

He acted like wow.. me the winner? oh thats soo expected!.. yey me~
wtf?! hahahaha... Congrats anyway.

ok. I dunno why I partitioned the photos for wad reason?!

Iz us!

Steph, Su Ling, me!

bloggers at work.

Some of us.

tiramisu was nice!

Final photo- They gave us Autographed Limited Ed. Cans! xD

Sarsi - Danny One | Ice Cream Soda - Joe Flizzow | Orange - Meet UncleHussain

Photo Cred: Simon Seow, Su Ling and others.

wokay. thats d update...
dem malas to update nowadays. loads of stuff to do and not to
mention assignments never start & HRM quizzes killing me -.-

&damnnnnn! I think I lost my cam memory card. haiz. less photo to take d

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so to speak, the new semester has started.
Summer semester! xD

things didnt go well as anticipated since on the first day!!!!
left searching and jumping around looking for the damnnnn classroom.
it was Intercultural Communication yea

anyway. the intention to act like a new student failed horribly..
I'm taking Macroeconomics, Intercultural and Human Resource Mgmt
3 subjects wont kill eh.

I seem to enjoy Macroecons though.. :D Its like so dem interesting
and whatnot. hahahaha. Just got the text recently & this She Ai Li happily
said "OH! I have the textbook, you want?" =.=" why thank you. lol

she even said - why you so quiet? last time u always tok like mad
swt.. swt.. swt... since when I tok like mad huh???


I just noticed my segi empat college putting up the MSC Malaysia
Status Institution.. lol..

random photo-

blocked!! kenot surf Facebook!!

How unethical am I.. surfing Facebook during office hours. lol.. kena block
for some communication error.. actually can surf eh. LOL!
but anyway... was not using guest internet account sooo....

Reminder: All internet usage is monitored and logged. =O

and they can find me. xD

I have yet to get photos... I sooo wanna post up photos...
waiting till I'm old aldy... for Peter Pan and Sarah. hmm..

There might be a possibility I'm getting old too.. humbug. socializing
in the workplace often have its degree in opening up. lol
Common question: What do you do during your free time?

I totally went BLANK. It was then I realized that I'm DAMN boring.
thinking and thinking... I don't do anything during my free time. crap.
that's how boring I am. and THAT'S like SO unusual for ppl my age...
so they say.

I should be out mamaking, clubbing, hang out, do sports and whatnot.

but I rarely do so...
'nuff said.. end of story. enough harping. and yada yada
before I get depressed like the Great Depression. -.-

Jesse McCartney's album Departure is out... wo0t! his new songs rawks!
the one playing on-site is one of his newest. I wanted to buy his album
hahahaha. since I started countdown-ing... its RM39.90
should I? or download all.. LOL!

wait I got moolah then we see :)

I'm going for F&N Freestylz tomorrow! thats part of the activity tmrw.
at the Curve. and basketball on Sunday. also revise studies abit...
Should really start on researching for assignments. I'm so slacking

leave comments if you must.

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