bacK to bloggg. again...

this iz my 2nd time - [f.y.i] typing out this dreaded post... again this
blogger iz showing it's stupidity by having problems thus resetting all
that I've typed... how irritating can that be ??
and the "recover post" doesnt work... well, next time i shud type in
Microsoft Word least it doesnt KO all of a sudden when i'M
typiNg it.!!!!

sch's great... nothing happening currently... juz a plain day... juz when
all the work comes into play... it stimulates activity! yeaH...
on my list i hav a some tasks to complete..since deadlines are due this
week...starting of new chapters and all... juz to finish the syllabus...
and frightening news that trials iz in August !!!! which is not even aftr
the gerak-gempur thing in September... trials shud be in October...

can someone tell those ciku's coz they might not realize how important
this iz to us....

however, teacher juz reminded mE to hand in my physics experimental
report tomorrw... or MARKS!!!! that probably slip my mind...
but will get it done and that leaves the chemistry one... undone...
nonetheless, i hav an article to complete to be submitted for the sch
mag due this Friday... haven't done a single thing... mainly coz last
minute... teacher juz mention it like a week ago only...wil get it done
in time i hope...coz cant think of what to say...since my topiC suppose
to be easy for me coz i do it almost everyday yet cant think...

also hav to do the report for the extra co-curricular activity to sch mag
editorial to b typed in... and again someone gave me to do this last
minute... it was due today summore...such people...guess who was it?
the teacher adviser...=P

'bout my new blog skin... juz for the fun of it to juz change... =D
to also fit everything into a single page instead of the previous one
got 4 pages... easier and better... change of lo0ks....

well, got lots of things to do... bloggg again later....

p/s: finAlly.. delia and "etc etc" has started sch... u ppl over there hav
an overload of holidays aldy... start mugging... for O's =P


back to bloggg...

Saturday was a not-very-nice day... seminar was kinda so-so onli
not that very good wan... but anyway, went for it and came back around
1 p.m... had to miss the movie premiere... *still regret-ing*

got a niCE badge from
smashpOp. the huge one u see oN the front page
the consolation prize - the badge... lol... so the 'banana' got the runner-up
prize while the winner was 'logicyuan'

yea, i noE they hav funny names but who doesnt ?

see~! i'M one of da 5 consolation winneRs!!! juz for da record, YiNky's
cousin - | was also one of da winners...
winner got a banner, a pimp in and a baDge...runner-up
got a banner and a badge... not bad though the prizes... something
like specially designed... good enough eh =D

what else eh? got an Adidas watch today from City Chain...Dad bought
the watch for mE... *wEEeee* my newest item after my digital cam...
cant stop lo0king at it... heh...
later gonna watch High School Musical starting 7.30 p.m on channel 61
- Astro... it seems to be nicE - according to da movie premiere viewers
aM still waiting the next movie premiere~!!! not this show la... some
other shows that hav special movie screening... =]

btw, can u guys hear the music ??? i uploaded a new one coz
iwebmusic seems to be bankrupted... and changed it...

blogg again lateRR...


Me.I.Am...~ nvM that ... here blogging again..

normal sch days as usual kinda dull...everything has been like this is
so boring and that iz boring.yada yada.... the only group "active" nowadays
are mainly my place, the Malay girls and the middle group....others are like
dead or something...

well, on Tuesday to0k a group photo for the sch magazine leavers page
after sch... never ending process of changing positions and the fact that
everyone wants to lo0k grEat!!! so, Hui Ting didnt bring her tripod stand for
her cam..the cam had to sit on the table..and had to put a timer coz there's
no prof. photographer avail. to click the posed from 1.10 p.m till
1.40 pm and having muscle cramps while waiting for everything to be in
good order to snapp less than five piCs in class...
neway, thats besides the p0int... the main thing iz that it turNs out niCely
done..and worthwhile paying for!... juz hope it doesnt lo0k fugly... not to
mention that had to pay extra 2 bucks in addition to the 29 outstanding...
class accountant said she "miscalculated"... meh!

TomorrW's Report Card dAy!!!! *lame-ly* that's so not a celebration mood
more of a terrifying kind of, parents will be at sch tomorrw..and teachers will b spilling out all de mediaocre results to theM...
another scary way, parents will b looking for the subject teachers...
asking this and this..why & why..thE main thing iz my parents sure gonna
ask Shirlena why I failed Moral..."so-called" one of the easiest subject
EVER...and i could fail for that...GREAT!
like i always say: Moral iz not hard, juz stupiD onli...
there will also be a medical check-up at the hall tomorrw... mayb due to
parents having high-blood pressure after witnessing the results... the
school ought to have the check-up anyway...for theM...and us, students
to go for check-up in case got stress buildup...

has anyone heard of High School Musical ???? well got 4 free tiCs for the
premiere this Saturday at Berjaya Times Sq... ThaNx to pOp~

yeaHHH... the tiCs are hEre.... *wEEeeeeeeee* although the place
iz kinda far... but still reachable la... =] using public transport like those
MRT, get there... like how i went to meet the Singaporeans
despite the fact when ppl hear Berjaya Times Sq...first thing they'll think
of that itz - FAR!!!!! as if itz at the Far Away Land or sumthing... sheesh
well, got pOpcorn, drinks and stuff wad...juz hav to get there at 10 a.m
onli and give my name to get tiCs...

the BAD thing iz = I CAN'T GOOOOOOOO...... &(^$%^#@%@#@#
the crappiest weekend i ever had... so many things in one freakin' day...
first got the aerobicthon in, got a Maths seminar and next
iz High School Musical movie premiere... well, for the best of my future
i chose to go for the Maths seminar that i volunteered to the end
itz so tempting to go for the movie premiere... gRR!!!!! yes yes~ the
show will also be shown over Disney channel on hell..why
want to see on TV when you can see on big screen...for FREE... like wht
Meng Yean said [juz wait for another 24 hrs can see aldy...]<-- typicaL..

so, what am i gonna do with da tiCs ??? so wasted if dun go
YiNky wanna go... ? ka huey wanna go ? mustardQ wanna go ?
anyone read this blog wanna go ???
DELLY wanna go?? hahah.. - you're miLes away....=P

bloggg ltr...


here's a quiz that was asked by Delia to answer... reason? dunno...
newayy... this originated by Nat.. so he's the cause of all this...

3 names you go by:
- ShauN
- cataLyst [niCk]
- I.Am.Me [new one]

3 parts of your heritage:
- Chinese
- Hakka
- Hokkien

3 of your everyday essentials:
- Music
- Water
- Books...

3 things you're wearing now:
- a simpLe tee
- short pantz
- glasses...=)

3 of your favourite bands or musical artiste at the moment:
- F.I.R
- Nickleback
- Kelly Clarkson

3 things you want in a relationship other than love:
- unconditional love
- trust
- fun-loving... not those boring ppl...

3 truths and 2 lies:
- I love to sleep...
- I procrastinate
- I enjoy myself to0 much...
- I'm mugging HARD for SPM [o lvl]
- I feel like slapping every single person i dislike...

3 physical things about the opposite sex that appeals to you
- lo0ks?
- height? not too short or tall...
- eyes... not the goldfish kinda eyes...

3 of your favourite hobbies:
- hearin' music
- sleeping....
- do whatever i can to fill time...

3 things you badly want right now:
- a new PC!!!
- life to b more meaningful not stressful kind... [hell! u live life once!]
- to do better academically...which iz not very satisfying now...

3 places you wanna go on a vacation:
- Tokyo? [sounds FUN~!]
- Egypt [pyramids...mummies...*wEEeee*]
- New Zealand [i noE there's nothing there but cows]
[haven't been there wad...]

3 things you wanna try doing:
- skydiving...
- being psychic...see da future...
- mug! not juz "say" mug but "really?" muG!!!!

3 people i would like to see take this test:
- YiNky [i doubt that she'll do it]
- MustardQ [i doubt it to0 till she gets her comp workin]
- whoeverrrrr... iz here [readin' this]


kayZ... i'M done...happy? yeaH...=] *wEEEeee*


gaHHHH!!!!!! stupiD bloggggggerrr.... great my going-to-finish
post was almost completed and blogger had some stupid prob tt
had to restart with an empty page...
[mind you~ the "recover post" button ain't working!]

where was i... nvM lazy to type AGAIN bout Saturday let's move on
to Sunday...which iz today...=] Dad's Day 18th JuNe 2006~~
a great day to start things the way i hope i want it to be and not so
screwed up like the other times... which iz very unlikely to happen..
so often...neway, went out fer lunnnccchhh at the Curve...and u noE
where... itz at KimGary Restaurant *wEeeeEEEeee* still my choice of place
to go juz not everyday la... once every now and then... =) well, hadd a
fried rice in something-something style , peanutbutter jam bread loaf...
and a "cham" drink...+ a orange dessert.... "cham" - some ppl use to
call it yin yong... a combination of tea, coffee & some say milo... of all
places tt try to make this drink can't beat the one in KimGary - itz juz
different unlike at KimGary....WHY??? it had "just" the right amount of
elements that make the perfect cham... shud one day work there and
try to learn how to make that coffee,tea&milo....and get their recipe...
even one of their waiter hav a very cool hair... stylish that kind...

laTER, went to Popular to get some thing & head on to Harvey Norman
to lo0k,see | lo0k-see... any new gadgets ? nah... juz a bunch of TVs.
and washing machines...then went to Macy over the other side to check
on the sofa that my parents had booked the other day... its coming!!!!
expected early July... yeaH... got neW sofa to sleep on...~!!!!
later juz walk and walk around Ikano.then downstairs got some activity
going on there...Kluang Station got l0ts of ppl too// i everyday
receive updates on the WorldCup results for free! dunno why but kay la
today got results on CZH:GHA = 0:2... lousy team anyway...not worth
watching... think it was 3a.m on Astro... crzy...

theN went back to Curve... to Paddington House of Pancakes....coz dad
wanted to eat there...its the same as the one in Hartamas Shopping
Centre but there's much further...but really not bad though the pancakes
no wonder the place was packed wiF ppl... around close to 4 p.m aldy~!
still alot of ppl... neway had the Treasure box one and another type wif
chocolate sauce over it... topped wif strawberries, plums, marshmellow
and cranberry i think..=] not baD.think shud go fr this instead of fondue
well, it was raining already... so, went back home... rest fr a while...

theN around 7 plus went out for dinner... after dinner went to SS2 to buy
a cake for Dad's Day.... gt lots of cakes though but juz chooose...=D
then stop-by the next shop to buy ba kua...izzit the spelling? hmm...
and went home... and celebrate...~!!! Dad blew de candle..cut cake and
eat!!! but before that... take piCss... post that ltr... lazy to upload le
and now blogggging...meH~ very late aldy.... later! tomowwow gt sch..

bloggg next time...


baCk to blogggg-ing...[reminded by Delly =) a.k.a Delia]

updateS...nothing much ever since sch started aftr the mid-yr break
juz new changes in the sch's infrastructure... mainly the newwww..
sheltered pathway that was contributed by some construction company
that built the condominiums across the sch... official handover was
last, prefects gathered round for an applause... *claps...

another thing iz the sch has been repainted in exchange for e previous
faded pink colour... abit a mix of orange and yellow...and "old" mural
paintings since 2001 was painted back...then new ones are drawn again
like the ones in the computer lab...[odd one out]...coz it had the nicest
murals for now... the other blocks dun hav...
all this comes with a contribution frm students the Aerobicthon donation
which i "still" hav not collected a single cent... well, i dun get to enjoy
the facilities much anyway... + they still hav no fans in the canteen...!
all in all, kudos to the best-principle-ever, Madam Chan Sim Ai...=]

back to class on-going
happenings. . nothing much... the same-o ppl
with the same-o rantings...? well, this week iz all results taking where
we all get to hear the marks and all...overall, I improved in the
3 science subjects compared to previous results... biology the highest
among the other 2... so gotta improve more... Devi was crying over the
physics coz teacher didnt want to add 1 mark so that she could pass...
even after teacher added 10 marks for everyone...
well, biology teacher [L.L.L] went for some, she not here fr
a week or so...i think its P.T.K course [Efficiency Test] for government
servants that teacher went for...the sch aldy started sending out letters
informing 'bout the Report Card day... the horror... well, the envelope
i wrote on was my chinese name... so, teacher wont know...that it will be addressed to mE! hahah!!! *eBiL...* unless she noE hw to read chinese
la... but i doubt so coz my temporary form teacher iz a malay...

last tuesday [yestd] Star reporter came to sch to interview students 'bout
Fifa World Cup and wanted to find girls that are interested in footballl...
guess wad? i couldnt find any... cant expect girls here to b like the girl in
- Bend it like Beckham moviE...well, she called me suddenly on monday
to ask 'bout this and wants to speak to Pn. Chan... aftr 6 mins of convers.
i told her to call tt Ze Wei...since he has more of his essence from where-
ever it came from...let him handle la... true enough i saw him there...
after sch... well, i juz came-by to say hi to her and went back...

Moral project was already DUE!!! and had to pass up... again, i'M way
too procrastinating again... actually got this trip today and i wanted to
go so i dun hav to pass up but was cancelled in the end... *shrugs*
was online that afternoon when i put my status message as ::::
"Moral is not hard, juz stupid onli"
then this Shirlena came online... [my Moral teacher] saw that message
and told me that moral iz easy till we juz get it... and told me to get
my project work completed to hand-in tomorrw...
whatever iz... MOral iz not hard but "still" juz stupid onli... my quote
it is a %#$#^%$^^& subject... all about remembering dumb values
and keywords [2 sentence each value] later, she told me to get back
to my project work and work my butt off...=P

neway, tomorrw's History!!!!! and thats when we get results...hope i
dun screw it!!!... *crosses finger
well, hui ting's blog dead aldy... her comp strucked by lightning
so cant update... YiNky's one leh...dead also... smashpOp leh...still
updating his very very long australia trip...
Delia's not too bad... constant updating and reminding ppl to do so...
with her very colorful bloggg... very bright... unusual kind...
Jeanie's blog... filled with funny piCs... wacky ones too... i laugh
everytime she takes pictures of herself doing funny faces...

kay think thats it fr nowww... blogg later...


finnnallly can update...

well, last night couldn't update coz the broadband service in the
Klang Valley was interrupted causing users unable to log in....
and juz a while ago, Blogger was experiencing problems in their
servers...and delayed me from updating...

now now...tomorrw's already the last day of holidayz...stil nothing
significant enough iz being done... been enjoying all the way....
still got study and all...extra remedial classes for physics on Mon.
and today, Thurs.. others iz all out...ppl like me juz can't stay still
at home to...err? hibernate? and like a "must" go out kind of thing

well, let's see what I've done throughout the holidays :::
1) goNe for extra clasSes...
2) went ouT wiF friEndsss... to all places that iz accessible
...Lagoon, Pyramid, Mid-Valley, KLCC..B.Bintang... 1U, The Curve
3) completing unfinished tasks... i.e Moral Project
4) revising studies...
5) staying up veryyy latE... =P imagine 3 a.m~! jOce also the same
6) last but not least - lazing around...

piCs tiMe :::

this iz Sh0guN Restaurant... see many-many ppl there... so didnt go there
went to eat at Chilis... however, we came back to eat at Shogun the next
day for lunchhh... g0sh! we were eating like maD!!!!!!!!!

caN we "griLL" people instead ??? siNce they're licensed to do so.... xD
namely teachers... let's grill their butts! hahah!!! jkjk...

next - weNt to Chilis Grill & Bar Restaurant... had a very nicE meal there..
the board iz a margarita bar... a.k.a liquor bar... of course neva had tt
but juz a normal dinner... i even got a complimentary corn... xD
later, went to Bakerzin for dessert... as i've said in the previous entry..
no piCs coz they dun allow....

this place iZ Sunway University College...went there on Monday after the
physics remedial... what i'M dooing there? guess i'M there for the ClubED
activity... went cruising around the campus... and also to Monash Uni.

That's their Tunku Abdul Rahman Library i think... itS BIG...!!! l0ts of
ppl there... some studying, some playing laptop... some sleeping...
and toNNs of higher edu books... and they had lots of comps...to0!

*somE piCs arent clear as before coz i resized it and obvious that
my resizing skills aren't all perfect...* neway, more to come i suppose..
actually got more piXs but too many are candid shots... hahaha!!!
wait till i get more interesting stuff to takE...

blogged enough....



baCk to bloggg... itz the 6-6-06 ! delia says itz devils num...xD

sorry for the non-updating of the blog for da past few days...
juz dun hav the energy to blog? neway, piCs will b up tomorrw??
yupZ...i've been bringing the caM everywhere... snapping here
and there... =] every since last Saturday... till no batt. xD
neway, nothing really significant happening... its however the
last week of holidays... next wk back to sch... i'M stil not quite
satisfied with the holidays though... we shud hav 4 weeks of
holidays instead like the SG students... although they stil go
back to sch... i'd rather hav longer holidays... =)

did lots of things for Dad's birthday on Saturday and went out
for dinner and stuff... celebrated from Sat till Sun... didnt hav a
birthday cake coz my sis wasnt around but they'll b back 2moro
think i will get one soon... well, places first... wanted to go fr
dinner at Sh0gun Rest. [a japanese buffet rest] BUT there were
like tooooonnss of ppl queuing up juz to get in there~!
so, instead went to Chili's Grill and Bar Restaurant... got the ppl
there to sing a birthday s0ng for Dad... after that, decided to go
for dessert at Bakerzin on the 1st floor... had the finest & niceSt
cakes ever... & darn it ! apple strudle was sold out... but had a
coffee cheese cake...and other cakes and drinks..& i paid the bill
not super-duper expensive... but kinda "ok"... well, u cant expect
it to cost only 30 dollars, rite??

anyway, more to come... ltr... when i get the piCs...uploaded...
not much interesting photos though...coz i "juz" started taking piC
& lots of restrictions of photo-taking..for example :: at Bakerzin
+ other silly photo taking stuff... like my fav. - original Nike tee...

despite the abnormal numbers of visitor to this blog has been
increasing greatly... total visitors to-date is 1,850 and daily
numbers are flunctuating at a rate of 22 unique visitors... so,
the visitor graph iz kinda different already...a histogram =]
today juz received Cass's letter... so fast she reply back to me
while i take ages to reply... she well on a looonnngg holiday...
surprised she said that Su Moo Moo cried? and their prom iz in a
country club??? hahaha!!!.. btw, what a weird name fr a teacher...
xD... delia iz that truE? & Nat has a HUGE appetite as described
by her?...finally she did update her blog..aftr asking her...

talking about blogs... seriously i wonder what happen to ppls
blogs around the Form 5 community... they like non-updating the
blogs for like ages mayb not ages but not frequent... from all i
read only MustardQ's blog that i find a 'readable' item
that doesnt
bore me much..*so-called praising her blog* other than that would
b YiNky's blog but updates extremely slowly... coz everytime i click
on her link...its always the same entry over & over again
*mind you, i visit ppl's blog few times almost daily*
but its true that if a person doesnt update... the site will be some
sort of like blacklisted kind of thing... so, ppl wont go and read...
for mE, i dun go read ppl's blog that dun update fr veri long time
and blogs that are boring & hav short entries - unfortunately...haha!
but unlikely to happen la...

so had to resort to other blogs... for my viewing SG
blogs... Delia's would b the 'hub' coz all the links are there...and
frm there to Jeanie's blog and others [mostly Sec 4s] and if that iz
not would b to others like smashpOp, xiaxue... so and so

if i STILL get boreD then it would b games at Yaho0! or others like
i'm currently playing - KoL [Kingdom Of Loathing] online game...
which i had mentioned before...

blogged enough for now...
wait fr tomorrw's piCs...if i upload in time
- latErs....


what aM i up to noW.?... nothing coz itz midnight again...
felt like updating which I am - now~!
...delayed post for no
possible reason... let's see the past few days...

Wednesday, the day I didnt go for remedial classes...yeaH! had
Malay tuition at 10... so went for that... and Hui Ting SMSed mE
about the photograph that I was supposed to take... that day..
i think i'm the only one who came for classes that haven't taken
the photograph except those who never come for remedial at all...

neway, after tuition was aldy noon close to 1 o'clock... supposed
to go out with ex-sch mates but I totally forgot that my mum was
on leave that day... so cannot go... not that cannot go... juz that
i'M suppose to be at home and no where else... but anyhow we
went out! =D
Went to the Curve for lunch... at Kim-Gary..didnt go for two weeks
aldy... + the 15% voucher ends that day... so, might as well go
there to eat... later, went walking around Curve and to the new
complex next to Curve was Cathay Cineleisure
juz opposite... still
very new.. think juz open days ago... shall go for a moviee there
one fine day... =)

now Thursday, went for remedial class for chemistry and A Maths..
so, i purposely come late... i think its abit too late...coz 8.30 onli
I arrived... so went to the lab... 2 classes combine into 1 then
they all started checking the exam papers - paper 3 first... gaH!
yet i scored moderately a 40 - paper total 50 marks if it weren't fr
some answers that was not entirely precise...minus here & there...
there's onli 1 ques that i got 0 which was table of the standard
electrode potential..graphic details...without putting the whatsoever
electrolyte solution name...iz a (-1) mark..can't wait to laugh mylungs
out at Jean coz she failed *eBiL muz be tht paper 2 i didnt
do quite well... much tougher than the paper 3...but i still passed...
as usual, Anusha the so-called chem-whiz was upset again coz she
got 1 mark lower than the top student.. that's SAD! (very sad, indeed)

break time went to Mobil to get something together with luok hoon
& Devi... then came back at 10 o'clock for A Math... teacher was late
again it seems but brought a new student - her daughter to class...
so, did exercises on differentiation... last part of it.. the delta part
after class suppose to take photograph but this Hui Ting dunno run
where aldy... neway, hang out in sch for a while then went back to
change before going out...
went out to Mid-Valley with my ice-skating buds...wonder why we'd
actually gone to Mid-Valley instead of pyramid...i hav no idea... its
their suggestion.. neway, had lunch with them and went for a movie
Benchwarmers... 'bout the group of nerds trying to form a baseball
team... show quite ok...not too bad... after the show headed back
home was almost 6.30 back then went out for dinner at
super tanker then came back doing nothing but online...
no photos [hahah!] coz the cam iz stil kept in the box till i feel
i want to use it later - one fine day...

what's up for Friday??? i dun hav any plans for that day...
so i'll juz stay in and do whatever.. finish the pile of work
that are still incomplete...
Dad's birthday is on saturday.. i'm still thinking what to do eh...
and its also the King's birthday... what a coincidence... xD
*stil thinking,....

so fast a week has ended... aldy friday... should make my
holidays more meaningful = studying!..and enough of going out..
SPM iz very near aldy... months away...

blog latEr...
