79. Student Exchange Programme...

soRRy ppl fer the late updatE... been real busy for the past week
despite the fact that I've been lazing around sometimes...
yes, yes...been cutting short time used to online...sleeping EARLY
=O - unimaginable... and other stuff....
visitors that come by and sees that there's no post... saD eh???
top visitor was frm Delia [icy-ashford.blogspot.com] and 2nd was
from smashpOp [popblog.diaryland.com/smashpop.net]

tried posting but blogger.com & friends have some problem with
mE...tried posting Sat nite = can't // then Sunday afternoon = cant
finally now... been to the Curve very frequent though and Ikano as
well...i like that place... Sat nitE went to Sakae Sushi & Sunday
went to YIngker [both are restaurants] didnt go to 1U much aldy
since the traffic there iz supEr congested...

to Delia :: the bars of music can b copied by clicking the play button
at the website itself..there will b a code below it [on yr right of d pg]

to koyuuken :: i didnt FFK the meet la... I didnt agree to go anyway
juz surveying around whose going... well, its best that i dont go
anyway... remembr the emo-in-the-corner thing ??? exactLy~!
& 'bout my piC - refer to comments - post 78


intRo :: Last year befoRe i started this blog... I was involved with a
Exchange Programme to Singapore... organized by Peicai Secondary
School... for a week stint...which i went along with the 4 other ppl
purpose = to experience what itz like to be in a school of another
country...[trust mE... its the BEST experience anyone could get]

so, my role iz to liaise with the teacher in SG...and to arrange stuff
and make sure itz goes well...choosing the ppl to go was one of the
troublesome part...[some to even persuade] Hui Ting wuz the best
coz anything was a OK for her [sort of] while Meng Yean hav to
always ask her parents...Sath - was the persuading part & she didnt
enjoy it either | Ze Wei - the not interested one but somehow went

this was at the Singapore Press Holdings HQ at Toa Payoh...with
some students form Peicai...that guy on da right iz from SPH
[a metrosexual - thats wad Hui Ting said] while the guy on the
left iz Mr. Tan [teacher]...

that was during the tour round the HUGE school block & the ones
taking us were Jia Kang [guy] and the pretty gal, Minru/Lulu...
their compound iz big and they say itz like the smallest school in
SG... compared to my sch - itz tiny... lol

Ms. Kang there... [piC not taken by mE]

this iz 5Baybees...a.k.a 5B..Mr. Tan's class...and also the editor's
of Peicai's Catalyst Newspaper - Daniel Low.. this was taken when
the walk was held in conjunction of Teacher's Day?? which walked
around Serangoon and back to the school...and the not-so-funny guy
Marcus Tan wuz there too... [Del = correct me if i'M wrong..]

enough piCs ???
neway, ltR update again... got summore piCs...
got time visit links on my page that hav the "[sG]" thing - means
that they're bloggers from over the causeway that i met

ltR ppL...

78. MYSO JamFest & Pirates of the Carribean 2

yEs~ Delia... updatE heRe
supeR-duper late updatE... but...shud be posting it anyway =]
last Sunday - went to the new place - Cineleisure Damansara for da
movie :: Pirates of the Carribean - Dead Man's Chest

[did anyone notice? Malay subtitles for Dead Man's Chest iz
Kotak Lelaki Mati] -- are those translators ignorant or they are juz
translating the phrase to the exact?? word for word...?
the movie starts at 1 p.m... so went for lunch first at KimGary Rest.
at the Curve juz across Cineleisure... it was rather crowded that day
which was very expected... every weekend got some flea market at
the Curve along the street...attracts a huge crowd there...
and there was a event going on to0... MYSO JamFest... stands for
Max Your Senses Out Jam Fest... i think it is to attract the crowd to
the new complex... it has no shops except the Nike Flagship store...
got games & others la... freebies too...
neway, it wuz close to 1 o'clock - went straight to the cinema...got
pOpcorn and a drink...the seating wasnt very close to the screen la
since i booked and chose the seats beforehand...

didnt really like the cinema coz it wasnt cool enough and kinda warm
poor air-conditioning system... GSC iz much cooler...
next, i didnt like the seats coz itz connected...whenever someone
jumps on the chair then the other seats will feel the trembling vibe
kinda disturbing...and unfortunately, there's a kid over the other end
getting overly excited during the movie...therefore they juMp...
in GSC - it doesnt happen... so, GSC iz preferred... =]
i did notice the movie was quite long though... more than 2 hrs...

moviE really roxX~!!! as its real funny whenever Captain Jack Sparrow
comes up with funny scenes... esp. when he's tied to a stick with
fruits and roasted by the cannibals... while Will Turner isn't really
very interesting coz most of the time - he's trying to act cool like that
storyline quite ok... but leaves audience with questions...when Jack iz
iz swallowed by that huge octopus... others :: Davy Jones iz creepy...
waiting for Part 3 next year... =)

yeaH... this was the 3vent that was going on at the mall and games
involved...at the mall... like the bull ride...sumo fighting...basketball
& games as well...and they even hav inflatable challenge games...
i went for the bull ride...trust me...its quite fun but after that its not
a really nice ride to go for... its like swinging u around hysterically &
i'm not surprised if it can pull ur hand out of yr scapula & left hanging
took a piC but it wasnt really nice...

some prize awarding thing... but dunnO for waD.... that time to0..
saw the Xfresh Xplorer bus there but didnt stay to watch the
performance on its rooftop... hell... the bus lo0ks very cool...got
TV and nice seats... but didnt hope to see pOp there coz he went
to PD aldy... even if he's there... he wouldnt noe i was there...lol
so, went back home aftr that...nearly 5 p.m aldy

go0d news/bAd neWs.? i juz checked whether i'M anyhow selected
for National Service next year... it seeMs NOT~!!
well, been trying and always come out = operation timed-out
but in the end... No. KP tidak dijumpai... shud i be happy oR not??
well, now i can plann things rite for next yr...to consider fr January
intake or go work temp. or whatsoever...[stil plannin though]
pros = i dun hav to spend 3 months in army camp detention...=]
but seriously = i dun mind going!!!!...

blogg ltR...

77. WeekeNd updatEs....

late posting about my weekend... this time it wasn't short or it was
long, juz a moderate weekend... Saturday iz always the day i hav
least activities [if nothing comes up] - whereby i will be doing nothing
sometimes but this time i wanted to finish every crap h/w i've got...

so, back after lunch and started doing all the h/w whether it has been
on hold [since god-knows-when] mostly E & A Math...there are like tons
of them..and other subjs... yes..i'm somewhat a naughty boy not doing
the given h/w...or putting it on hold... =]
was hoping that doing all those could at least take the whole afternoon
but no! it took me two hours only then i had nothing to do... so, went
revising crappy chemistry and psycho physics...since we started on new
topics that needs "real understanding"... biology can read any other day

my computer problem iz about to be solved... gonna get a new one...
juz when i told my parents that this comp iz having a problem... they
said get a new one then... mayb gonna get a Dell computer...
go0d.! well, i too expect that the hours i can go online will b reduced
by the time August comes... since prelims are veryyy near... thus blog
post mayb subsequently be reduced...

for dinner, dad took us out to 1 Utama...had no idea where he was
going till we ended up at Oriental Cravings... i finally got to know this
secluded place... next to TV Cafe or something...

that's da place... still iz crowded with people... and wuz kinda busy..
but they serve food quite fast...well, ordered dishes with rice...and
tried the sea coconut with longan... not baD la...

photo's :: froM smashpOp...[ahaha! pOp: in any case u see da piCs..
yes, its youRs... i pinjam to display oni =]
again coz i forgot to bring camera...=.= thinking was an ordinary dinner
or something but came herE..without the cam...i hav a camera phone
but i dislike using it coz of its quality and using a digital cam iz better...

later, went walking around... lo0k, seE & buy... juz for leisure...walk
and see whats new there...did i mention got l0ts of people...weekend
iz always filled with humans over there... before 11 p.m - went back
and a heavy traffic outside.. used to experience traffic congestion aldy...
nothing new here...

hmm.. today a Star reporter called me [a collegue of another reporter
who noEs mE] and asked what's my opinion on teenagers involved in
pornography... as in viewing kind of thing..was shocked actually...
of all topiCs... =P well, all Q&A and then she ask whether i've got
other frens that she cud ask.. so, gave her their num...
[particularly boys...hmm - are guys prone to this kind of thing? heheh!]

wait for updates on MYSO JamFest and a lil' review on Pirates of the
Carribean : Dead Man's Chest...+ the experience in a new cinema...


76. RaNdoM EveNts...

mEh! updating again with nothing much to update about... actually
nothing at all...
nvM.. it's the same-o week that juz went by... all
about mugging hard till SPM...
well, prelims are coming already in
1 month and a half? luckily its not in August
instead & hopefully
they dun change the date...

neway, upcoming events ? none i think except for the Air Force
Cadet Camp which
i may or may not be selected to go... for it -
besides, i'm starting to cherish my last
moments in the final year...
although its stil a long way to
one thing, i "think" i wont miss it at all... i'm too wondering why...
in view whether
i'm very attached to my peers - not so... whether
i'll miss the sch - maybe a lil'
...after all of this, i wont even be
seeing my classmates ect. - except cliques probably
its all
separate ways for all of us unless some ppl choose the same
path la... same
college/course or whatever..

next, i feel like taking this PC to brainwash it... a.k.a reformat..as its
kinda slow
and boils me... not to mention it hangs while i'm using
applications like Java or
other stuff... dunno la got virus or not...and
often has errors..i dun think its the
broadband problem coz its always
fast nevertheless, i shall format it
IF it begins to show its slowpoke-ness
[snail-like] speed... *thinks of switching to
AMD Athlon*

this week, got tiCs to watch Pirates of the Carribean 2 as suggested
smashpOp since it roXX... and finally reserved the tiCs already at
Cineleisure Damansara, next to the Curve... it seems that its the same
concept as the one in Singapore but this
one iz new and only has 1 shop
besides the cineplex that iz Nike. =P

NatioNal Service selection iz almost heRe aldy... and i may hav the
chance to get
selected amongst million of others born in the year 198?
hah! those jumpers --
younger than the current batch not affected but
will be involved - the following yr
hav mix feelings actually...go then what
happen ? dun go then what happen ?
honestly, i dont mind going but if
no need la... can go work or study..yea.. its only 3 months
compared to Singaporeans - 2 years...

but still = time iz gold yet i'm not appreciating it to the maX...

gtg now... to do A Math now


75. Superman...


yeaH...very inconsistent updatE..coz i dun quite like the idea updating
very frequently... not to mention updating "everyday"...like what
smashpOp iz doing...[go0d joB~!] and some ppl need inspiration
to blogg sometimes - like what's going on...not to juz type blindly of
some crap..and rather to let ppl know what iz the author trying to tell...
worst if they dun update at all... might as well shut their blog down..
[not that i dislike ppl updating daily..if so, there will b no blogs fr me
to read anyway - thats baD]

oh whatever iz... weekend was AGAIN freakingly short... lots of things
happen-ed... one took the whole Saturday morning... which was to get
certificates and also a Domino coupon and a Milennium Card... which
I also got that "last yeaR" get it? total = 3 Domino Milennium Card...
which i hardly use... only onCE~!

to make it short... hop on to Sunday...fer lunCh - went to the Port
Klang to hav seafood wif my cousins and family... didnt go there for
quite some time... well, food there wuz great... the sea breeze was
refreshing...though 1thing - i forgot my cam again... wanted to take
piCs since last Friday but got to0 excited & left it at home...
not actually in Port Klang but in Tanjung Harapan off North Port..took
some time travelling there and back though... & through pot holes

got back, went to 1U 2 get tiCs for Superman Returns...luckily got
seats but wuz kinda late... neway, decided to see it anyway...and the
same freakin' Hall number for every movie I've seen.. [No. 6]
shopp around then went back... to rest for a while... and then went
out for dinner...at Kluang Station... no idea why we went there....
then see the Samsung Roadshow... which released their latest h/p
model...and other products of theiRs...
ltr went to see Superman at GSC Cinema...l0ts of ppL there crowded
like anything... so, while waiting went to buy pOpcorn... and drinks
while there was - not long but short queue to da counter... + was
super slowwwwwww....imagine 2 lines to a counter...and ppl fighting
to get in line...not exactly fighting but like showing whose tougher
like that... well, after seeing the moviE...
althought i read the review on LIME magazine - doesnt sound 'that'
interesting... however, it turnEd out grEAt... i'm not really a fan of
Superman but how they made this movie was juz niCE...
the casts were acting quite well...although that Lois Lane there isn't
that pretty.. i think Lana Lang iz better... Brandon Routh and Tom
Welling hav almost the same characteristics for the Superman role...

piC above courtesy of Warner Bros. well, the interview from the mag
iz more to asking Kate Bosworth... "what if" this and that...so & so..
and some funny questions... nice write-up though... go LIME!...
well, i hardly watch or see Superman in comic or on TV... but overall
was quite entertaining... Rate:: 5/5

shocking that this movie, Superman actually had a son!!! which was
also Lois Lane's son... o.O & had the same super-strength power

'bout my dissection thing, the reason why i hadn't put any piCs coz
you'd probably drop from ya chairs [or not] not the kind of thing that
anyone can accept... ya.. i've heard screams and squeals all around
the Biology lab throughout the time i had tried to snip that lil' froggy
and some sub-science students getting a peek at what we're doing..
whereas, some lunatics had to remove the whole inner organs of that
frog and snip it till its nothing... i didn't !! i juz watched them snipp
-ing it... i'm not that cruel... i juz open the froggy to lo0k only... =]
besides, dissecting the rat iz far worse...and bloody....
wanna see - try finding in Google Images or other search engines..

wo0t... W.C Finals in half-an-houR...=] Spaghetti vs. Fries!
a.k.a Italy vs. France


74. Froggy =]

back to bloggg...

well, last week..submitted a last-minute article for sch magazine
english section...due on 30th June and i started doing it 2 days before
that...managed to finish in time and got my teacher to hand-in straight
to the teacher i-c.. hopefully got more chance to be accepted by them
as I've heard there are some to be rejected...
my title wuz "Rants of a Blogger" where I included some of bloggers
URL in it... for reference.. hopefully they dun remove it after editing.
namely Delia's URL is in too...

this week filled with events going on... this Sat iz Curriculum and
Co-Curriculum Awards for 2006.
.. prefects i.e mE~! and other stuff
like representing state and high achievers will be getting award this
Sat. and rehearsals two times this week... and there are about 160+
getting on that day...and hell, its freakin' long [time taken]
as usual, Malathi iz the one handling the arrangements.. commenting
on every single un-perfectness in some individuals..

other than that, been having marching practice two times aldy...
and another map reading...by the Royal Malaysian Air Force officers...
As cadets... we are obliged to do so and to qualify for the week camping
in some secluded area... where we hav to go through the forest and
other stuff... miss 1 week schooling.. not that i wanted to juz to get
the certificate for full marks in co-curricular activities...
so, not much but to juz drill us in reading maps and marching....
for a fact that i'm not quite good in Geography as i havent studied
that since 2 yrs ago... however went through that anyway...
something like pre-National Service training... xD

tomorrow, gonna do dissecting for Biology lesson tomorrw...got frogs
for it...suppose to dissect a mice but it was too cute to be dissected
and its tiny... so as the frogs - bought it coz i thought dun hav...not
cheap too...as frogs for eating iz more ex than usual...
so i got a tree frog [i think] something like this :: [diff colour]

like that... but mine doesnt hav those big red fingers of his...and mine
is tiny... realllyyyy tiny... and eyes not red... hope can dissect tomorrw
couldnt find cockroaches to dissect... it ran away i think...
even teacher said - she'll dissect whatever we bring la... so, got
amphibians, mammal [mice]... insect ? no... we'll juz observe the frog
three-chamber heart... before that soak in chloroform so they faint...
ltr continue on the "interesting" topic that caught the attention of
many adilianz... the oogenesis and gametogenesis thingi...

froGs hav bIg eyes.. O_O


heRe's something...

Friday, had a short assembly for my sch's principal birthday... and cutting the
cake on da stage... even all da teachers came down... and all da students even
sang a Birthday song for hEr... =D after that, my classmates had already planned
to buy a cake for her to0... from Secret Recipe that Hui Ting went to buy...
a banana chocolate cake that all of us shared to buy...

[ripped from Hui Ting] - since she has almost the same piCs as miNE...
yeaH~!!! thats my sch's principle... well, we're all glad to b having this for heR...
since its our final year... she lo0ks "well-maintained" i guess for her age...she always
comes to sch with spectacular clothing... but a bit skinny... xD

[small piC - cz she doesn't deserve such publicity on my blog]
ah! this piC above iz da @@$%*&*(E$# i have always mentioned about
in this blog..
[JeaN-on the right...] on da left is a nobody... - not that anyone
needs to know but unless
u know her la... juz so that everyone noEs that
Jean the $%%#$%@* lo0ks like that... =P

Well, that time we were havin' A Math... so had little time doing work as we're
kinda carried away - eating the cakE session... but went on with A Maths...
Moral class iz as rowdy as ever... Shirlena was screaming here and there \o/

bLogskiNs... =] had Delia to make me a blogskin...since they "voluntarily"
want create
skins for ppl like mE... so, here's the link... WrinkySkins...
got Delia to do it out
of the many ppl like Kelvin, Minda, so & so... to see
whether she has the talent fr
it... well, mostly ppl would choose Minda coz
he's so established in blogskins.com
and his skins are alright...but i juz dont
quite like he's work... partly coz l0ts of
his designs are very abstract...most
of the time and sometimes
single colour tone
well, ppl stil like it anyway...
Del ! how long you gonna take ?? max. 1 month
la...=) so long it doesnt lo0k fugly
can already... + some of the criterias that
i stated is fulfilled la... the reason i
didnt put in a photo for you to start with
coz i dont see anything that iz suitable.

neway, juz a banner with
nice designs with blog name can ed..the one
Swee Hao
did was nicely done... not bad la...

Today, went for a seminar on science subjects at UM together with Mei Lan...
to summarize it - i find Chemistry & A.Math quite good... physics a lil' boring...
and Malay - sleepy coz it was the last module of the day...tirEd... started by 9
in da morning... ended by 6 p.m - the whole day there..but time passes real
short while onli - end of 1 subject... [each subj 2 hrs] and the end of
everything... so, Mei Lan's father, a Chemistry lecturer at University
Malaya took
us there and back... thanX a bunCh... saw this DJ guy sitting in
front that looked
"almost" similar to that pair of asses.. so arrogant-type...
saying it wuz boring &
wanted to walk out...but he looks kinda smart la..still..
dumbo Anisha last minute dun wan to go... coz of her alleged choir practice...
like which iz more important ??? even smart ppl go for seminar...
[no need to say la for ppl who think that tuition iz useless...] - what else
there iz to say
'bout seminar which iz like the worst thing that can happen
for them...

however, got back home and saw the NEW SOFA~!!!!! that juz arrived today...
dad changed his mind to put the sofa in the hall instead of in his room...
surprised but anyway... =D later went out to KimGary for dinner... which
2nd choice coz wanted to go to YingKer instead but packed wif ppl...
at KimGary had to wait a lil' while too coz also packed...close to
8 p.m aldy...
then walked around...to Harvey Norman to look for a new
air-conditioner... i like the LG design but to0 bad itz nt fer mE...

went to hav dessert at Paddington's Pancake house... for freshly flipped
cakes... now can really forget about having fondue aldy =]

and then back here blogging... btw, also saw my ex-boss at Ikano juz now...
hahah... cant believe she's still working at tht place earning 2K and no OT...
well, i can see that she has the potential though... to go further...

