finallyyy... i'M updating =]

been quite a busy week coz end of the month... and all payments
or such ect. muz settle and all... haha xD

its considered an 'alright' week la... not much of not-so-nice stuff
happening in work... or probably i'm used to it? LOL!

where shud i start?

alright la.. work first... My big boss, CEO of *** company had his
birthday over in the head office the other day... juz nex door to my
office la... and we all went over to celebrate after lunch.. xD

the one cutting cake iz the CEO, Mr. Tan and his elder bro
the Managing Director of the whole company

we had cake for a whole lot of ppl... nicE tiramisu =] and pizzas for
everyone la... which wasnt much... like 4/5 pizzas onli

the birthday boss! with all the secretaries and staff

the one in white nex to boss iz my Head Dept of Accounts. the ones
on 2nd frm his right is his secretary.. the one in black on the right
iz "modern kind" of Malay.. very one kind of behaviour... -__-

oh well. had fun then went bak to office to work... LOL!
will see this bunch of ppl again on the opening of the new building
in March... hahah!!

went to lunch wif my colleagues on Friday... lots of ppl were on
leave so took d opportunity to run frm office... not letting GM see us
...LOL! they drove again and went to nearby Paramount fr lunch


Had Kaka's farewell the other day in 1 Utama... Secret Recipe...
which wuz rather a formal dinner where juz hav dinner... chat and
camgolo and enjoying the last moments...

mE and Kaka... =]

there we were... chatted mostly coz didnt hav much in mind...
and she didnt cry though... we were doing lame stuff... hhaha xD

all of us there =D

i think i need to intro this... this iz my friend.. =)

finally- Kaka treated us all dinner and gave us all a hug while
going back... =] well, known Kaka since Form3 and had l0ts of
issues back then... immature times.. lol..

she's good listener i would say... we can juz talk abt anything
under the sun... after knowing each other through the years...
it juz seemed amazing...


today went to watch Death Note 2 with chuM1 & chuM2 at
supposedly TGV but they dont let us in... so we went to GSC to
watch it... TGV has such a bunch of stupid ppl...

well, the movie was ok... quite nicE but was rather longgg...
and we came out wondering why this and that happened... LOL!
Light had himself killed in the end as well as L... is there a Part3?

well... had lunch.. walked around... went to the Sony Ericsson
Roadshow... and Jeremy answered a ques correctly and got a
souvenir and plus extra coz using Sony Ericsson phone...

then went to test my phone i juz got... a SE K610i with 3G.. =]
anyoNe i can video call to???? 7 pm to 7 am - FREE!!
but first gotta upgrade SIMcard first.. LOL...

kinda clear hor? but isnt really clear when enlarge la..

that's d Lee Hom concert that's on in March? or izzit April?

thenn... went to J's house... to lo0k-see... he has a nicE mini pond..
with tortoises and fish... seems the tortoise bites the fish.. xD
not always la... thenn. went for dinner with his dad and sis...
his sis says - "different company have different system of SAP"

after that- went back home... thanx to chuM2's dad aftr dropping
chuM1 off at home... zu0 iz forever tired lo0king... -__-
while Jeremy iz so dedicated towards his Leo Club thing... xD

Huey : did u feed him well???
mE : of course Jeremy did! or at least i think so...?
Its wuz another fuNN day =] nex week's RLC!

gtg now...

ttfn. leave msg if got anything.. plz&tQ =]

p/s :: i messaged Yoke Yin today!!!!! she's at NS... finally she
did SMS coz i wuz miss calling but cant get... lol.. xD

right. it doesnt seem as what i expected.

today really sux. well, i have somewhat reasons for that
simply because ::

Life still isn't a plate of well prepared breakfast served to you
in bed. the scramble egg would be too soggy. the bacon burnt
to crisps and orange juice with too much pulp...
that's the reality in life... seriously..

my house now is in a mess. the renovation had polluted the
air with dust.. the floor is full of rocks and sand.
almost everything in the area iz blanketed with dust..

so, i really wanted to get out from the house today.. the nearest
place to go to was 1Utama... since all the ppl i noE are so busy,
i decided to stroll around alone. while seeing wad 2 get fr Creamy
his party iz on Sunday. lol

went rounds and many rounds. went to see some of my schmates
working there.. but dunno where Kaka works... chatted while they
are working. thenn... went by & spotted something for Creamy.
bought it already. "hopefully" this dudE would appreciate it!!
since i'm broke. the present made me x-tra broke. thankfully..
payday iz almost here..

wanted to leave but it rained. yea- rain rain until flood... -__-

*shud i hav a dinner party? shud i? shud i?
but Kaka and a bunch of ppl wun be here =/ YiNky to0..


friday incident! something happened today- its not very good
at all... coz it wuz simply bad... the bounced cheque was
returned... and my immediate head called me to SEE that
damn cheque... it wasnt an name amendment on the cheque
but it was the date!!!

g0sh! it seems the date wasnt stamped properly & the "2006"
couldnt be seen clearly... ended up getting scolded. =/
as my head dept iz a lady... u noE how ladies scold.. very much
like "chan kai mui"... felt so upset yet stressed, so i walked back
to my place with a moodless face.

the other staff in the same dept. told me to ignore it but keep
in mind the mistake and not too repeat. since they also had
their share in getting scolded... stil i feel upset about it to0..
more of a reason- why i cant be doing accounts stuff...

so depressing that i shud call- Befrienders... lol
at least someone to hear mE!!. thats wad they do.. riggght???

neway... at least the past 2 days i dont hav to eat in Phileo
i went out with my collegues and ppl from EIB.
the secretary drove ler... went to Seapark to eat Duck.. =]
and second day went to Paramount.. HR from TSH drove us
the JOY!! nicer food and kinda cheap to0... xD

i'm having a day from hell... it wasn't going so well..
when i joined this company... =/

oOo.. nex week got Death Note 2 movie release...
anyone wanna watch??? think it'll be quite nicE...=]

will hav to get out of the house again tomorrow.. they're gonna
drill.. knock and ect. most important thing! cant even sleep!
hopefully the party would b able to bring myself back to its
original state.. to prepare for Monday!!

i just prayed that hopefully everything would go perfectly well


a very impromptu piC... taken by Scott J. Wong

lol. i think itz the last.. last piC.. although there are more..
thanx a bunch buddy zuo-zuo fer sending this... =]


hello peeps!

feeling a lil' random today... coz lots of stuff are on my mind lately
...well, as usual- i went to work... then went to school and to the
CPF office to create account today...

work was as expected- tedious. and other nasty stuff 'bout it.
today i went to school during my lunch time... although its an hour
i stil hav time coz wil be going to the CPF office. saw students that
lo0ked very i-dont-know-ones... they're new i guess

that's not the point. the point is i went to the staff room and saw
a blackie- i shall name her Malathi. she used to be a prefect teacher
and still is. well. a conversation started and saying oh how-
Quote i did not hav many friends. Unquote elaborating that i did
not hav many friends as normal students would do.

first thing that struck my mind was simply how'd the hell you know.
she wasnt my form teacher. doesnt know me personally. doesnt teach
me at all. Telling me that she asked a few people. assumingly Ka Huey
and judging that i don't hav many friends.
seriously- what has it got to do with her? friends to me- i go fr quality
rather than quantity... what's the use having them in abundance but
doesn't appear as sincere. it like bitching about yr own friend.

this is so being judgmental. but stil they're entitled to their own
opinions- so fine! Least i did today iz just to explain "my stand". Not
just letting blackie say whatever bitching she wants.


office matters. I wuz having a lil' fun today.. taking time off to settle
the EPF registration thing.. since can onli do it on a weekday without
taking leave. haha xD
ltr went back office- resuming calculating claims and i juz luv to minus
their claims!! ebiL!! xD actually my colleague taught me "the hows"
to minus claims since they tend to claim excessively esp. phone calls

going to b almost a month i'm working here. generally- i find accounts
very tedious. in addition- muz be VERY observant. sometimes i laugh
at how i miss things like charging RM170.00 instead of RM178.00.
luckily- my accounts head realized it before keying into MYOB..

in another case- a cheque was bounced due to amendment dunno who
yang bersalah in one of the staff payroll. LOL! another thing i feel
lots of work iz internal auditing. really itz very ma-fan. despite the
auditors from Ernst & Young are darn lazy.. they're bak for closing of
audit after my accounts head scolded them fr being a snail

after CNY- we're moving! official opening on 1st March... *wEEee*

think i'm so not suited to be in Accounting field. =/
LOL!! xD

anyOne going to Creamy's party? lol. yupp- this Sunday. i havent
got anything fr him yet... =P hav to go and buy... lol

rants ended. ttfn

There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do. There's no
other way when it comes to the truth...

yello people...
last minute entry... its like 12 something and i got work tomorrw..
i'm starting to hate weekdays coz i gotta go work...
& i treasure my weekends SO MUCH!!!
its like total freedom & no strings attached... so you'll find mE
going out most of the time except sometimes- things happen
not as planned and u noE... oh well. don't care...

last friday- after work... rushed to DU to have dinner with gang of
ppl consisting of mE, creamy, Ting, Chee yin, Ying Xin & jean...

wuz so late coz of jam & unfinished work...
well, was in time for dinner though... had Ebi Tempura.. and
talked all the way through dinner... xD

yea... we had l0ts to catch up with a dear friend, Ying Xin...
ex-smkbu left us in end-Form1 to Australia... used to stay
near my house... juz a few doors away... and finally came back
for visiting onli...well, we talked loads of stuff... includ. sch mag
sch/coll life as well as personal life...

so, we got bored and Jean wants to go Bakerzin... so, Creamy
drove mE & cheeyin there... while the others hopped on to Jean
a vERY vERy expensive but damn nice place for desserts in 1U...
i can onli go with my parents coz they pay for it..
at least, it isnt mE coz a slice of cake can cost RM7...
to0 bad they dun hav apple strudle... 'could' hav ordered...

[L-R] HuiTing, YingXin, CheeYin, Creamy & mE..

so... we to0k a photo... the waiter was showing 'that' lo0k coz we
juz sat there and didnt order except for Jean. she left before we took
this piC... we went jalan-jalan... although there's not much to jalan

we even tried ice-creams...

walked to cinema... saw Lauranne said hi and she walked off...
thinking whether did she really know that pack of ppl or juz for the
fun of saying hi? oh well... we headed to TGV and rushed to get
coz Ying Xin wanted to see...
so. okay lor- went to watch Night In The Museum (again! i noE) but
its funny lah... we're like laughing like clowns humans i guess..

after movie wuz around 11+... so... Mr. Nice Creamy sent all of us
home includ. himself lah... xD luckily he didnt bring Chee Yin along
with him home.. lol!! and luckily i brought house keys- if not gotta
camp outside with Creamy's dog... =P


New Year '07 piCs update... first two by Scott...

can recognise ahh?? which is from Japan and which iz not?
(ignore the guy with that fan- he's an imposter]

alright... this iz da full picture of everyone present
ahaha... very cool and nicE piC.. xD

actually there's another photo with the red guy.. but tzuoo didnt send
guess i'll leave it coz too tired to ask him over again and post it up

last photo... i guess... =]

oh well... happy times...
does it last? i wonder... but i prayed- that it does!


hello ppl.

i'm so darn bored now... although its lunch break la.. as u all noE.
this iz not the first time i'm saying its boring// BUT seriously....
its BORING like HELL...

oh- nvM.. juz trying to vent my frustrations while blogging...
oh well. i hate having lunch in Phileo coz it suXx... so, i got transp
the other day and went lunch at 6-10 Grill... 'the JOYYY!!!' but
hell- i'd stil end up here...

that's more of a reason why i can't wait to da darn building
in Semantan iz not ready... -___-" the inner side of it i'm referring
to... hopefully that place would be more promising??

gah.. my chuMs are all turning to nerds.. and i'm quite disturbed
'bout it// although- i'd really encourage them to study lah...
but but NERDS???????? not to mention geeky... so reminds me
about TSC in my class...

mE : oi. wad u doing???
chuM : studying lah
mE : study wadd???
chuM : maths.. & ect.
mE : can do ah? any dun understand?
chuM : some can la.. practicing
mE : wad u going to do ltr??
chuM : study ler...
mE : *no commentz*

luckily that phone convo was onli a few times.. if everytime...
then die lo... wil be *speechless* prob its true that i shouldn't be

so concerned.. should i? hmm...

well.. ltr going fr dinner wiF Hui Ting & Ying Xin after workk//
before ying xin heads back to Aussie// tomorrow...
so many years hor... she wuz there.. xD we were onli same
sch for like a year then she flew off...

gotta work now...

ttfn. NY '07 piCs ltr... =]

yello ppL... seems that everyday is like a repeated process- i guess
for mE la that iz... today was at work again...
reached around 9+
due to massive jam near Phileo...
seriously- EVERY single $%#$%# day iz @%@#$ jaM... i'm gettin
bored of it to0... =/ so, work lor... nothing very new... but can chat
with the QS in my office... lunch time iz always as stupid...

we'rE moviNg... oh! cant wait

yea... those in skool a.k.a college may prob hav a diff life than i do..
how different i dunno la...

but from where Ting said about Taylors sounds bad ::

On the first day of colllege, my not so true love gave to me...
A stupid bunch of stupid people... On the second minute of school,
the students gave to me...
The Loneliness and a stupid bunch
stupid people.... "

ahaha.. *laughs.. i could hav gone to coll if i hadn't got the job la
but since i got it- juz work la.. for da experience...xD

ONE THING :: working there can be super tension... meet
deadlines and all sorts of crap they toss to you- esp. stupid subcons
calling da office every other minute asking fr claim...

after a week plus- i'm getting used to the office environment. get used
to be doing lots of computer-typing stuff & ect. dislike at first- but
kinda enjoy a little lor...


had New Years' party countdown at Shangri-La hotel...
it wuz great lah... having to meet japanese ppl there from kyoto they
were here on holiday- since Huey can speak Japanese to0...

so, we talked & eat before countdown...

we were just posing lah- can anot?????

we had nothing to-do lah... aldy we non-jap speakers... had to
camgolo around lor... to fill time..
the Japanese ppl were quite
nicE.. we all like shy shy... they served us with alcoholic drinks la
besides juices... a tad little la.. but others underage la... LOL!

we went downstairs instead... =)

we went up again and this pair of supposedly gay started dressing
in kimono... yea- can feel the hair stand...
they even portrayed
themselves as the gals in Memoirs of a Geisha... o.O

this dude here.. was dancing at the lobby

we pretended we didnt know this pack of ppl... LOL!! see the red
guy... he's a Japanese comedian.. whereas on da right iz Scott..
he's someone's ahem...

let's get the party started here...

we went to da dance floor and started dancing all da way through
yeah... different songs
and all but stil the DJ doesnt select good
songs.. like sexy back- justin timberlake...

chuMs at the dancE floor... =] pic by Scott

dance wuz superb... until zu0-zuo lost his voice
LOL!! but ok in the end... xD hahaha.. we're one of the last to leave
dance floor...

smileee =]

the best party of da year... although stil lo0king forward to more of
like this in future- ahaha! =D

haha- nicE pic! all smileees.. =]

chum1, chum2 & mE and huey... Y^0^Y before countdown... was
there till around 2 a.m then headed back... if you're wondering
where's hsien yew... he's Mr. Quiet and didnt join the piC... xD

other pics hav to wait fer tzuoo again... he didnt upload all and
couldnt find da CD... shall hunt him so0n... muahahah!


i guess its not to0 late to wish Happy 17th Birthday to this friend
here... and a new blogger...

Mr. Teramat bimbo-ish, andrew chee tat..

party of da month :: creaMy's burfday nex nex week...

should i hav a party? yea!- pool party... i shall appoint Hui Ting to
be my
utmost highest ranking party co-ordinator... which is due to
be held
nex month =]

// whatever is meant to be, i believe will work out perfectly ||

wo0t!! people...

yea... finally my first entry for 2007... wanted to blogg earlier but
wuz kinda lazy- ahaha!! i have reasons u noE...
i get kinda exhausted almost everyday- i come back frm work...
therefore- no mo0d to blogg and all...

i really wonder how ppl who work for the whole day and being able
to be dang energetic at night... my parents always say i sleep so
late thats why... gah!...
well, i want to blog about my New Year party but no piCs yet... i
only got a few... waiting for zu0 to get from Scott... to hav a nicE
set of piCs... viewers will be shocked! xD
[f.y.i- i celebrated New Year with zu0's bro & sis, Jeremy, zu0 & a
gang of Japanese ppl... in Shangri-La]

zu0 asked me about my office- as in piCs & ect. i didnt really intend
to take piCs and blogg about it... but anyway- i did... ahaha xD

that's not-my-comp... juz sharing it to do some work... since i'm a
new staff... i dont actually get everything... horribly- internet also
hav to share -___-" they say- sharing iz caring...

stock take is stil not completed... i'm getting all the info stuffed 2
the PC... from yesterday till today... had to type lots of things...
which iz not the kind of thing i want to do... well- office was pack
with ppl today and no place to sit for some ppl...

the ppl for coaching S.A.P. programme wuz here today. coaching my
head dept. the whole day... well- it seemed complicated... but its
better than MYOB kononnya... since i'm actually entitled for paid
leave... i'm saving it for CNY in Feb. and some other occasions...

i took this after office hours... ahaha... there's where the A/C dept.
ppl sit... i wuz replacing the other staff on leave... so- sat at her
place on da zuo side... after that i pindah to da yew side...
later on- i moved again to the other empty space... really live like
'nomad' in a office... [f.y.i - prehistoric ppl like to move around]

btw, has anyone watched- Night In The Museum????
its super-duper niCe.... xD very funny & thought provoking...
LOL!! i wanna see again... =]

i'm going to SMKBU tomorrw for no reason... before going to work
in da morning... i'll be so damn sesat-ed... esp. with hair colored
-___- prob go visit Cruella De Vil & Wong YC - everybody's fav
teacher... even Kaka's ... to0 bad Shirlena shifted aldy =/

more piCs from da office later- i hope...
will blogg about NYD '07- nex hopefully...