Heya ppl...
Juz realized I have not blogged for a week! zomg.. uber long can
well... I had an awesome week (last week); more like FUN..

Haven't had much fun since the holidays and trips I had during holidays
hahahaha... deprived of it, seriously.

last week was when I started Fall semester AND collected d good results..
urgh. my first day was dreadful. yes.. I entered Accounting (I) class filled with screaming, shouting, yelling students. who just set foot in University
which either fresh SPM or transfer frm STPM/other colleges...

they were bloody excited from where I see it. damnnn. it had to continue
in Marketing class in the afternoon. AND in the lift, while I was happily on
my way home. gawd. I don even remember my batch acting like that =.=

Anyway, on the eve of 22nd August. a bunch of us, bloggers and friends alike
headed to Euphoria by Ministry of Music, Sunway Resort to celebrate
Su Ling's birthday. =]
Thanks to Sasha for getting us in without paying the cover charge. :D


the deafening music was awesome. coz it was soooo loud. yeahhh
they had nice lighting display on the dance floor too...


the dance floor was empty earlier on... so I and Joshua roamed the whole of Euphoria and upstairs thru its transparent bridge. lol

ppl started crowding the area as we continued to chillll... xD

Top:Sue.Sasha.ME | Bottom: Zoe.Sher.Steph

the experience was awesome. though surprised how Bravo was all quiet
suddenly got high after a few glasses of vodka. LOL!
and the dancing.....

things got more interesting too!

HAHA! candid.

My drink for the night wasn't tad alcoholic...
I had tall glass lime...
something mojito or margarita..

Was tempted to try Pina Colada but settled with that. ish.

Us again. :D

Sue blowing her B'Day cake at Dragon-I

and a Happy Twenty-One, Sue! hahaha.

Left MOS at 2 a.m zomg late. reach home almost 3 a.m. slept at 4!
kinda awesome. quite awesome. yeh awesome. :)

the next day. a surprise party planned for Su Ling at her place.
original goof story was to watch Wall-E. hahahahaha

leaving me; waiting to watch Wall-E at Pyramid. -.-
lol. nola.. the rain HAD to ruin my transportation plans.. ish.

but I arrived safely. HAHAHA but all wet tho.. :D

a HUGE B'Day card!

Messages, with love.

LOL. Thank loads to Navin for dropping me back home... WE've been
gossiping all the way through. hahaha. Life is too short, not to gossip
She explained how the "surprised" went along.

Funny thing is.... Navin was "TOUCHED" by the whole surprise...
even though she knew all about it. awww.. ain't that sweet. haha
well, everyone felt the plan was superb. haha. kudos to the organizer

wokay. gtg prep for tmrw

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Sue pressured me into participating in Nuffnang Gift Ideas contest organized
by Realmart and Nuffnang... to virtually give presents to one another. lol

So, there are several readers I have in mind to give something.lol
Imagine how cool if it was for real... hahaha..

Anyway, firstly let me intro the blogger la.
this is Marcus Tan.

hensem? =)

Thing about Marcus is that he often has a cavemen-look... hahahaha
when he doesn't shave. only during WCIT he looked presentable at least
for Mahadzir to look at. LOL. (inside joke)

Therefore, this is the best gift I can give this fella...

Philips Double Action Shaver :D

Cool ehh..? Here's what's gooood about it- It can shave up to an HOUR!
1 hour. zomg. of course not meant to shave the skin off as well
mana tau some sadistic ppl wanna skin ppl alive. =X lol.

It operates with a 2 AA Battery. get rechargable one or use Tesco's
battery which is few dollars for four of em'

Next blogger I'd like to give a gift.
Is Jenabi Ling. lol


Haha. Randomly chose him... but sharing is caring I guess?
lol. Jenabi loves Art & to draw; see his blog & be amazed with his drawings.
he also works in a sushi restaurant called Mikaku? he craves DONUTs too

a pro in rolling sushi I presume. huhuhu..
And I wanted to give him this.
A 12 piece Sushi Set. =]

The only way he's gonna be able to 'savor' his precious rolled sushi is on
this 12pc sushi set! :D Of course he could bring the set back home to
make sushi and eat it the Japanese way with his family too. lol

sushi is healthy. ok! xD

The nex blogger I wanna give a gift is
Chee Su Ling a.k.a Chee Sue Leng a.k.a Sue

(on the far left)

Su Ling is one of my best kawans in college. She is the culprit for having
me to do this entry. lol. we chill almost every other day. lunching together
is like a must at least once a week.

Sue has an acne problem. She's going-to-be 21 this Friday and her face
has eruptions once in a while. Imagine it during exams. O.o
tsk tsk...

So I decided to give her a...

A Pensonic Blender!

This is no ordinary blender! It's a multi-purpose blender...

For Sue. She has to use this comprehensive blender to blend smoothies
to smooth her skin... =] Using ingredients like Avocado, Cucumber
and oatmeal!! that would do the trick i guess? for her acne.

On top of that, this blender can chop, grind and juice!!!
who knows this may come handy in the kitchen. lol

That is all for now. I hope I can give you ppl these items 'for real'
'if you know what I mean'. xD
p.s Jenabi, pls come down KL ah. I don do courier. lol

May the best winner win! lol me.me.me.me.me!


(PLS ANSWER MY POLL ON THE SIDE, before you do anything-)

this will be a VERY random entry again.
rather a combo la. coz I don't quite have the time to blog about it
one by one...

First-up. College. grr!
Fall semester starts this week. Also the chance to add/drop subjects..
and also RESULTS! =X D-Day. For this semester, the college is being quite
secretive on who's teaching what subjects.. hmmm..

tulan. tension of every semester facing what type of results i'm gonna get.
pressure of getting a better CGPA every semester equals to depression.
damnnn... Tan June Yin ruined my day, the other day saying that chances
of getting an A for Macroecons are very slim... yada yada yada..

though what she says 'maybe' true but I'm not buying it. 'nuff said..
my only hope are HRM and Macroecons. Intercultural Comm- haiz.. that
stupid bitch. 'nuff said.

The Intelligent City of MY. hohohohoho!
Its pretty dead actually on the outside but alive on the inside. LOL
coz ppl are working 24/7 on rotation, of course

the other day I needed to head to F**M Plaza nearby some Bomba place
and I realized its fcuking far. efforts to save petrol thats why.
from MDC all the way to the bloody plaza where one of MDC's office are.
that office is just to process foreign workers visa.

nice landscape.

It looked like a dead building at first. coz there were no one, empty-like
except the guards around. lol..
Inside the building was also empty. and VERY dead.. Offices ought to
have their staffs walking around, no?

Finished by lunch time... again back to the same road.

strategic! unlike F*** Plaza

Lunch time is where you'd see ppl walking around on roads to go fer lunch.
near near ones.. haha.. Ambitious ones like me sometimes head to
CBD Perdana for Middle Eastern lunch.. Arabian duno duno wat..
my colleagues brought me there.lol

lunch here can be quite pricey. so make sure your company PAYS well
my most ex lunch cost 17bux. but nice. hahaha
do note public transportation also sux here. make sure got car.lol

All in all, CJ isn't that intelligent after all. it's gonna take a LONG time
before it develops on par with the Silicon Valley in California.
It's not that great.. its just not..

Randomly last week went for lunch/dinner with Sue...
It was random coz I had sushi craving so did Sue and automagically
decided to go Pyramid for Sakae Sushi.. xD

Salmon sashimi

Had an great sushi meal.. :D while talking about almost everything
under the sun.. and then had Frosty at Wendy's.. wo0t!

I also saw a nice jacket at Esprit that cost 300bux. ah sad. but its
nice ehhh... =/

it was a fun day. end of randomness.
Tuesday is back to hell.


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Finally!! a trip to somewhere across town.lol
It was how I spent my 080808! :P

last Friday. me. Juney and Sasha decided to explore d "Royal town"
called Klang. a.k.a Kelang.. lookup Wikipedia to find out about the town

Thanx to Juney, that hail from Klang was appointed to bring us round
the busy busy cowboy town of hers. xD

Our expedition started off from SJ KTM Station. lucky nuff it was on-time
and quite fast. (yes, for real) usually it is slow and LATE. haha.
Juney was reported to be in bed while I and Sasha were on our way. lol
anyway, she was waiting at the station as we arrived.

First off! BKT!

Juney took us to this BKT shop nearby the station and her place...
hurhurhur... we had everything there is and tea. lol
we had oolong tea. was tad bitter but ok. Pork in tea was gooood

Juney pouring tea leaves from an ENVELOPE!
(I should be very afraid drinking that. XD)

HAHAHA! but it was safe to drink (I guess?) had cups and cups of it anyway.
coz she kept refilling for me. -.- LOL. "come come, drink more.."

Sasha was into BKT from the start; and I had my eyes on her... LOL

Sasha turned out to be snatching the pot from me.... grr!
but it was half done.. she can have it anyway.. hmph~

Next up... we went visiting the Selangor Sultan at his palace
the flag was up. so probably he is in...

commoners like us aren't allowed to go in so we posed outside
without the horse though... haha

there's only the cannon.

After that. went to Juney's crib to admire the school at the back of
her house... hahaha.. still waiting to build a bridge across. lol

and so, we chilled. watched TV and whatnot. Her younger bro had
the hair just like this fellow...

from Meet the Robinsons. lol

ok. maybe not that exaggerated like that but something like that.
not blonde and not that brushy like. haha

Later on...
We went to have 50cents coffee at one end of Klang...
my first cup wasnt that good but the second one was a blast. xD

We blasted off to Aeon Bukit Tinggi Klang which was on the other side
of town... zomg. pass the traffic.. bridges.. buildings then oni we reach
was kinda far tho...

The mall was not bad. kinda new and nice look. but seriously, I wouldnt
go until this far coz it was fairly similar to 1Utama and Curve

and speaking of which is nearer tooo...

Girls. their nature to shop. woohoo!!

We went floor by floor... hahaha.. awesome yeahh. it was evening we
shopped till 9 p.m, only we decided to leave. hahaha.
Sasha bought a clown wig. -.-

Don have to ask me about Olympics Opening coz I didnt watch it too...
seriously it was one of my longest shop-escapade ever. lol. the last one
in Bukit Bintang wasnt too bad.. All in all, shopping was tad lengthy...
but we had some BigApples to even it out. xD

wo0t! a very fruitful trip to Klang... shud come bak again another day
with Sue Leng. hahahaha...
Holidays are down to 6 days left!!! dem fast.. and I'm having weird
dreams lately... VERY weird. haha... coz i seldom have any..

Next post is about Cyberjaya. so erm.. keep a lookout

Btw, I posted a NEW poll on the side. Pls do answer wokay! :D

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I think I'm starting to lose my niche blogging..
Run out of ideas to blog about and also lazing to blog about
anything at all.. yea. I'm so good at myself.

SO expect random stuff from me.

Teen Choice Awards '08 was on last Monday. Though didn't manage to watch
the event itself, juz got to know the winners and nominations..
Shown over U.S FOX channel. seemingly unavailable in this part of the world
Hosted by Miley Cyrus. Hannah Montana star

Now who's hotter? Selena | Miley (Source: JustJared)

The JoBros (Source: JustJared)

Jonas Brothers! (Source: JustJared)

JoBros won 6 awards for TC08 this time.. in all the nominated categories
voted online by fans across the globe. Think this proves they have quite a
strong fanbase and kinda popular. lol

or they're just awesome? They won these categories: (dem alot)
Choice Music Single: "When You Look Me in the Eyes."
Choice Breakout Group: Jonas Brothers
Choice Music Love Song: "When You Look Me in the Eyes."
Choice Summer Song: "Burnin' Up."
Choice Male Hottie: Jonas Brothers.
Choice Red Carpet Fashion Icon Male: Jonas Brothers.

HSM Zac and Vanessa (Source: JustJared)

Another hot couple during the event. Probably they're still together?
Vanessa was awarded Choice Female Hottie; but Zac Efron didnt win Choice
Male Hottie coz it was awarded to the Jonas Brothers. lol

Other awards for Hancock, I Am Legend. Chris Brown got 5 awards too..
though I don't see what's great about him. J-Mac didn't win too. sad
but over 30 million voters around the world can't be wrong..

and Chad Micheal Murray looks quite the same over the years..
I got a feeling this is better than MTV Asia Awards. Or is it not?
hmm.. people like Claire would think its overated. lol typical. xD

List of TC08 Award winners can be found here [Link]

My life is mundane at the moment. you wouldn't want to know what's
going on... Just a note though. the Silicon Valley of Malaysia sux.
and it's never like the one in Calif.

will post up the nex update real soooon...
stil contemplating on BKT trip to Klang this Friday. hmmm...

confused... trying hard to comprehend but still confused -.-

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