- pls Nang this post! :)

(this post is sort of a RECAP- just so you know)
a SUPER LONG entry

last last last week...
I got a letter frm my previous company

what I got was my EA form... for some income tax purposes but
my salary is not taxable (of course)
also got my EPF statement, at last- about the same time.

anyway. here's how I got the job. lol... I was somewhat quiet about
getting this job. look in my archives you'd see some entries but
stil there's lotsa info I didn't disclose then. haha.

After SPM... I started rotting at home- I tried scouting for a job. lol

I started off here at Jobstreet.com
Something different this time. I want to learn something new.
Doing retail was kinda last season. but anyway- I had months to spare
so why not?

Sent my resume to several employers and got calls :D
for interview that LASTED for less than 10 minutes!
so, chat chat. ask ask.. and I got the job. salary was satisfactory.
so yey... my superior asked to report for work the following day.

&I turned down the job offer frm Citibank. coz the token was low?
(nono.. I accepted the job in Ekowood aldy, they were late oni)

so, my first day was absolutely everybody great.. ppl were nice..
basically did everything basic... rest of the time play computer. lol
little did I know- the worst has yet to come. xD

Got my offer letter prepared by the secretary and then sign on the
spot. My responsibilities is Accounting and general admin stuff..
and yea- i'm posted in the Accounts dept.

For instance, I keep the company's chequebook. xD
mainly HSBC.. (lol.. keep oni. kenot sign -.-)

I issue payments for invoices and check then reimburse staff claims.
record accounts receivable payments and get it banked in and fiddle
around with MYOB software... those were the easy stuff.
Sales managers often claim aimlessly. SO I JUST CUT LAR.

Not-so-easy stuff were calculating STAIRCASES! =.="
all the FRs and SFs.. gah. why bother calculating eh? coz these
contractors want to claim for work done. so, have to calc the info given
into standard payment rates. I despise doing this- the MOST.

I like to write cheques the most. hahaha.

again its write only.. not sign. =/ I only prepared payroll once only
coz the other staff not around. I get to see how much other ppl get
muahahaha. but its not to be disclosed la.
and to
get authorized signatory from company directors.. sometimes
they refuse to sign. -.- thats another hassle.

I must assure you doing all these require constant attention and
to be done carefully. ESP writing cheques. I remembr canceling dozens
cheques for various reasons. coz got kantoi..wtf?! and to avoid being
queried by internal auditors (coz its public listed). lol

(OH. how not to love my job)
besides, I get paid handsomely for the OT hours I put in. hahaha...
got one day I work till 9 p.m+ to pack with my colleague.. coz of this
worst of all. my dept has the most files... zzzz...

Notable events::

Celebrate Boss's Birthday. lol.

Bowling Tournament with our holding company, TSH
- my team was the winning team!!

Shift to new office along Jalan Semantan, Damansara Heights


I likey the new office.. coz its fabulous. ajax fabuloso! xD

Camwhore with dear Cassandra during official opening. :D
Awww.. I miss the times with her. coz she used to dance her way to
the pantry... ahahahah. xD

Company photo with all staff... although CNY was way over then..
boss gave all the employees with BIG angpow. lol. seriously!

Office seating looked like this. which isn't too bad eh. fabulous.
this is on 11th floor. whereas i'm on 10th floor..

One of the display panels and the showroom itself cost thousands of RM
...coz I issued payments for its posh table lamps and ergonomic chairs
and others.. LOL. one boss refuse to sign the cheque coz of the amount. -.-

I like the showroom too coz it has a pool table, wine bar, theater room
and a mini gym. xD and its all paid by my poor company.

(OH! How not to love my job, again~)
There's this Nestle Coffee machine at the cafeteria that got me addicted
OHHHH... coffee!!! and mocha.milo etc. SO my occasional trip all the way
frm 10th floor to 1st floor- is to get COFFEE. =D *oni lunch time LAH. tsk

point proven by my colleague, MichelleSit. this is how I got bloody fat. crap

Nex task, I was put charge to dispose of everything in the old office.
selling off furniture and basically everything.. coz the unit is rented.
(1) Be friends with HR staff and Secretaries. they can do wonders!!
- got them to get company drivers to send me.. hahaha :)

My last day of work. They treated me to a farewell lunch at Peninsular
Hotel near office.. didnt bring cam -.- so came bak to office to take photo
haha.. it was late evening. left the office staff from various departments.
GM treated me at Fridays, BSC. lol

for a start and a long way to go.. this job roxx. =]
I learned alot about organization and other practical stuff...
from people I meet. I get best form of advice in the industry...

anyway unlikely fr me to be engaged with internships in the near future
coz my degree program structure had scrapped off the 'internship' module
and replaced it with 'special project'. =.="

ok. now bak to study. Final exam nex week. gah

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gah. long time no update. been working ok!
and lazy too... -.-

oh well. Book Fair ended last Sunday and started packing up all the
tonnes of books... then Monday prepare the cartons for transporter
to get the books..

I found this book quite interesting - Manga Shakespeare.
lol. I don read manga so... kinda first time reading it for fun.

Bookfair. every year also the same. I'm so used to it already.
but I often have mix feelings after the fair. I dunno why. lol.
its like a video recording being played year after year.

Back in college. everyone felt relaxed except me. Something was
bothering me on the other hand.. coz I dunno think about what.
HLML!? damn tulan.

not that I'll tell it out here anyway. I bottle it up.

the darn thing about the mind- it will scrounge on the same thing
and coming up with weird outcomes as solutions. kinda annoying eh
As it continues, I'll try to let it be until I get over it. -.-"

frustrating! 'nuff said..

OH GRAVITY! I'm talking to myself somewhat often..
.stressed even before Finals? crap.


What a rude shock last Tues to see that the whole class were
all girls.. until Vinod came in, I was relieved. xD
Don't get me wrong but having girls around is superbly great.
esp when Joanne is around!! XD but that was in Computer class

half were chinese-speaking ones. another quart. were indians and
another quart. I dont talk to. rest that I'll casually talk to.
i need a gf. lol

oh nvm. I don't exactly have a point here.
Girls only can talk gossip, make up, guys, gossip more. shopping.
thats about it.

Can talk about computers? latest gadgets? cars perhaps? movies?

So. there you go... go figure.


Anyway. got no time to fret about it. NO TIME!!
Final exam is omg soooo soooooo coming..

nex week ok! gah.

starting off with LAN subjects on "Saturday!" wtf? yes.
12-2, 3-5

tulan right? btw, ADP exam schedule also not out..

tomorrow- Ultimate Frisbee BBQ Party!! =D
this weekend going bak Ipoh..
nex week is study week.

P/S: delay.. will blog about my intern thingy nex week! xD

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wo0tt.. I'm bak from KL International Book Fair 2008 at PWTC.
the yearly event.. that I never fail to go.. LOL.
(not that I read alot of books, anyway)

I get to meet lotsa ppl.. every year in KLIBF. the same and new ppl
Its kinda like once a year meeting, sort of thing. lol xD
Those coming from Singapore. yea- I meet them during this time..
and when it's over- see you like NEX year..wth!

Met a friend, the wise guy.. Its been a year since I've seen him although
we're just a call away and we live not too far. We don't meet-up and
only meet during the exhibition...

but was chatting away non-stop like there's no tomorrow.. xD

It felt like it was just yesterday I've seen these ppl..
(in reality- it was last year)

you a FAN of books??

Bookworms! There are RACKS of 'em... this is just several booths. imagine
the few hundreds of booths... lol

Didn't have the chance to browse around much. Was at foreign exhibitor's
floor... they have a wide selection but kinda expensive esp. reference books.
went looking for Accounting Principles book. It cost 600+ bux. omg

I is Fair exhibitor. my taggie

I met Mr. Rahmu, the lecturer. today.. so random. he wuz standing
nex to the booth I was at.. lol He's quite okla despite his x-rated jokes
and I still anger him for not giving me A for Management. -.-

You should be at the exhibition if you enjoy reading books. hahaha
Its on until this Sunday. =] I'll be there again tomorrow. lol
sry for lack of photos. weird la if I go photo-taking everything.


Nuffnang invite me to go DIGi Reload Media Launch.. can't go sadly
got class -.- and Finals are coming. Have to finish syllabus too

gah. humbug


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Thanx alot Jenabi and Kutucat for lending an ear and
cheering me up in times of misery.. :)

Reading your comments and email puts a smile on my face.
There are ppl who actually care. =D

I felt so bored. I spent my time looking up Innit just so that time
passes by faster. Imagine the whole afternoon doing just that.

It was sunny today; then it rained. didn't get wet though.

Creamy asked me to go Hong Kong with him and some friends in August.
its during my semester holidays right after Summer semester
for a start- omg. dem excited.. :D but it'll cost me approx 2K for the
whole trip.. obviously he didn't read my previous entry.

anyway. it all depends on my limited cash flow

judging at the way I are. its generally possible for me to go. BUT at my
expense of financing it. Then again. I've yet to decide but its something
I'd think thoroughly first.. Not to mention, haven't ask the parents yet.
Passport is with them anyway.

While scouting Innit today, I came across a blog thanx to 3POINT8
and Joshua - http://thejourneyofthehomeless.blogspot.com

Well. I feel his story is quite genuine, but I have some doubts about it.
He failed in his investment lost everything. got kicked out of his house
by his gf and now homeless. He hasn't got any cash and what's worse?

it sounded more difficult than what I went through; though mine has a
tinge of exaggeration. His? I dunno. something amazing, I guess?
that's about it.


Yesterday night. I went to the memorial service for Casey's mother.
he's our cg leader and church friend so I went along with the others.
i know mostly cg & youth members were at the funeral in his house.

as cheesy as may sound- I felt a tinge of sadness.. I didn't know
what to say to his family members as I shook their hands.
I remember seeing his mother last year as we always have cg at his
place.. rest of the time I see often was his father.

Reminded me about my grandmother's funeral couple years back.
was in Ipoh for over a week. It was plain sad. I was so emo.

I feel Casey handled it well as he was smiling quite abit..
Life is fragile. We may live till our seventies but life is still short.
Pastor preached the message and words of encouragement.

At the end of the day, treasure everyone around you.
Be it family or friends...

She coulda been a movie star
Never got the chance to go that far
Her life was stole
Now we'll never know...

They were crying to the camera
Said he never fitted in
He wasn't welcomed
He showed up the parties
We was hanging in
Some guys puttin' him down
Bullying him round round
Now I wish I woulda talked to him
Gave him the time of day
Not turn away

Gotta go prepare my Chemistry presentation slides now

P/S: the Comment link is ON TOP. nex to post title..
not below..

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wokay. Today's a random entry and photos that are overly delayed...

I skipped Ultimate frisbee practice today- Wednesday. hahaha. after much
persuasion from friends. simply coz I don't want to reach home at 10.00 p.m
wtf right? 10 pm wor... why so long?

For the record, it takes me 2 hours ONE WAY to go to Subang from
my place.. but on best effort basis, its likely 1 hour.

so the frappucino-ing (hitched frm Su Ling) bus ride is 4 hours DAILY. omg.
I can go back to Ipoh lepak there and come back. -.-
therefore, there are times I simply cant take it coz my time is wasted.


The Good-looking guy

Meet Kenny. Supposedly "the special someone" introduced by my
friend, Meng Yean. oh. how photogenic he was. He doesn't mind
ppl blogging about him too.

Then I was thinking- how she'd met quite a good-looking guy. OMG
little did I know it was him. haha. I too personally feel he has the looks.
Hui Ting was so ready to go stalk him... LOL

He's actually Ken'ichi Matsuyama a.k.a L in Death Note. OK!!!
I know. wth. I watched Death Note 3: L Change The WorLd also
didnt quite help in recognizing him -.- *kena whack.

I'm not so observant la when it comes to guys. lol.
he's hot and good-looking, no?

so. kudos to Meng Yean in fooling some of us. xD
glad that you officially found a Japanese guy that is H.O.T

kena GOTCHA. :)

Anyway, here's 2fotos of Intercultural Comm's event on Wednesday

Thai Booth.

LOL. random

and other performances. haha. I stayed till 8.00 p.m...
thats was after a long day- right after Death Note press screening, i
went for this..

Basic Composition II debate. xD

Sasha and ME behind. xD

the judges were evaluating the debate teams while we camwhore.
photos thanx to Su Ling.

My team already completed the debate. not too bad!! Mr. Francis says
although majority deny abortion to be legalized, our team made it quite
convincing. yey! :D

Chemisty project campaigns.

At the science lab.

ADP students don use the lab but we went there to do the project
haha. the only lab that doesnt have lab coats.. -.- sad case.
so, we took the protective glasses. haha

The girls that participated in our booth game.

omg.omg. Joanne too!! the middle one. xD I spoke to her at long last
during Statistics class.. haha. small talk tho. I notice she likes to
wear MNG.

Err. you do not need to point out how observant I am. I'm already slapping
myself. xD


I'm too free today. i'm slacking. not productive and etc.
Tonight going to watch movie- Awake in 1Utama... lol.

Thursday is also another free day. gah- I vow to do some studying!


Preview of what am gonna post nex. when I got ample time. haha

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That's life for you..

Life isn't a plate of well prepared breakfast served to you in bed
the scramble egg would just be too soggy, the bacon burnt to crisps
and the orange juice with too much pulp.
that's the reality in life..


As anticipated, the day where parents kick me out of the house. However,
not that I'm on drugs nor did anything against the law to deserve that.
Is this Total freedom?. Is life more fulfilling that way? No more boundaries.
No more instructions, No more restrictions or whatsoever..

Setbacks as they are, being financially cut; no more allowances or swiping
credit cards as part of living expenses. Facing forth is undoubtedly a mighty

Then again, am I truly prepared to face the world? Being a mere adolescent
having only the fundamentals of education, zero financial independence and
no shelter or base of refuge. Soon I'd have to look a job only to keep one

As anticipated again, I am not left penniless. Thankfully being able to secure a
temp job in the past and the dough that comes with it; will probably keep
me alive for weeks. Where to now? do I wonder on the streets like wondering
humans? or do I sleep on the streets or along the subway?

Do I continue studying as well? Ultimately, they might not continue to finance
my education. Neither if its affordable in any way that I'd be able to self-finance
it. So they say, there is a whole world for you to venture and discover. Probably settle down until I am ready to bear the cost of education and part-time studying would be an ideal option but unfortunately time-consuming.

Guess this is it- the rainy day. Nevermind the half past six umbrella that I was
ought to be prepared with before it rains. Due to the fact that is too late now.
If you would think I could possibly count on my friends, I feel otherwise.
Who wants a friend who was flying high initially, and at the end- doomed in
his pitfalls of despair? Moreover, they might think of me sponging on them.
Couldn't you agree more?

Confused and lost.
How would life turn out to be from this point of time?

Whoever said that life was fair? when you lived without a care.