I'M baCk....

havent been blogging - which make me think that
i'm the most frequent blogger now coz hui ting's
blog seem to shutted down unexpectedly...
this week blogged twice ? or is it three times ed?
possibly too free ed...
YiNky's also very free ed...blogged with photos of
the 2nd round of debate which they lost to SMK
Seafield... nvm try again - er? whenever la...

school these days have been kinda boring though
seems that nothing extraordinary iz happening..
well, at least something shud happen rite? it felt
like reach sch study - afternoon go back, do h/w
rest...and others then sleep and it goes over and
over again...

not to mention the amount of h/w flooding in....
most frequent h/w are :: A Math , E Math, History,
i think so... coz i somehow seem to do a lot of
Math recently.... and only E Math took sometimes
only half an hour to finish....A Math longer...
i also havent finished Chemistry and Physics Exp.
Report.... despite the fact itz the marks fr Paper 4
SPM/ O Levels.. well, teacher also asked all to sign
the confirmation form fr registration of the SPM '06

i also asked teacher whther we can drop subjects...
she said can...but be4 i cud say...she said that if
i drop all three pure bio, phy and chem... i hav to
take Core Science [taken by Art students] think itz
like combined science... and she said that i cant
drop Moral too as itz a core subject... darN it !!!!!

so, if i were to drop - it would certainly make my
life easier... so that i can concentrate on the main
subj like A Math and other core subjects... so,
10 subj - 3 subj = 7 subj to sit... minus the burden

today shocked me too...suddenly forgottened how
to do the A Math :: Pengamiran [Integration]
so, was like blur.... then started doing then only
remembered - got a short term memory loss...then
teacher teach 'bout sumation of area all those...

aftr that, went to AV room to see Princess Li Po
on CD... almost going to doze off... kinda boring
coz it wuz something like history show that sort of
thing... that princess going to Malacca to marry the
Sultan of Malacca...well, all those were part of the
Malay Literature Component... sounds like story
telling session... and a bit of history element...

the sch has also a new forum :::

kay think thats all fr now...blog again ltr...
gtg sleep - going fr the Book Fair tomorrw...


am in school now... gaining access to the internet
without permission but teacher dun care anyway...
but darn thing iuz cant access 2 messenger coz da
ministry blocked access to it...
so quite boring juz surf da internet.. friendster..
blogs... and here blogging...and itz raining outside
which leaves me to go tuition straight or go home
and possibly be late...fr tuition...
am here in da lab also bcoz of ICT club CCA...doing
nothing... but to juz type stuff and thats all the
ppl do here all day long... how boring it can get...
i cant even hear the blog songs or chat on chat box
[tag-board still can use except cbox.za]
cant hear music except on windows media...and
my MP3 that i brought along too...

well, school.. boring as usual...today's weather
wuz a bit gloomy and it rained a while juz in time
fr recess - duty as usual at the canteen this time...
then physics and later boring English fr Science and
Technology period talking about bio-diversity
earlier on wuz E Math... teacher wuz so relaxed...
teach then juz sit down and said that we'll
understand aftr doing the ques. the topic wuz quite
simple - Matrix... and she said our class iz the only
class that she can take things easier? i suppose..

aM still down with a flu since yesterday... g0sh!
till got no mood to study in class... not to mention
the cups of coffee i had not onli that morning... coz
didnt hav enough sleep... had controlled though and
i dun drink all the time...

kay... blog again later... they gonna shut the lab
already...blog more later...

as the title above sayz... here's my point of view
of this hatred subject that i failed to get pass

"orang yang tidak bermoral skor dalam pend. Moral"
[students who aren't morally inclined score the

Moral subject]

where being a good boy does not necessarily mean
that you'll get an A whereas getting an A doesn't
mean that you were a good boy...
well, its now known as Pengetahuan Moral or Moral
Knowledge..aimed to testing memory skills instead
of educating to be a good, morally upright citizen..

Classes as normal
and dull spending hours memori-
zing the value - 36 values divided into 7 categories
in addition with its fixed definition [word for word]
which is vital for getting marks in an exam - also
by substitution of its definition with another of the
same meaning :: gives 0 mark even if synonymous

worst of all... the examination itself... the agony
needed to memorize, splitting headaches & lapses
in memory to answer the questions...
This concludes that the minds of students and
teachers arent wired the same way...It produces
memorizers instead of independent,critical thinkers
out of students. Leads to just follow, just toe the
line only to be rewarded...

Well, its unfair and unjustified to say that Moral is
a total useless subject... we still do learn right?
using the values & expanding vocabulary in Malay
and more solid foundation for writing Malay essays

Until then, just have to make the best out of it
in the exams... whether you like it or not...
how i wished i do not need to take that subject..=)


great week..or rather a so-so week..still can't get
over the chemistry and moral... horribly... biology
first time i've failed... real upset.. that i feel like
jumping off the 3rd floor in school...& land in the
fish pond... my lowest was only 50 over fr bio last
year...and this really dropped...

well, Mdm Lim wasnt angry surprisingly..this time
since she say more than half failed...at least, she
did encourage us to do better..while telling us her
experiences as a bio teacher... well, she's one of
the best teachers..I cant even believe tt she said
it wuz a "joy" teaching us even with mediocre
results in exam... a few of us went - aWw...!!
unlike chemistry teacher - who didnt bother to say
anything aftr going through the papers..as though
she don't bother...
Moral- i wuz throughly dissappointed..i lose marks
juz because of the answer not written in full...
every sentence i start begins with a value...and it
ended up wrong coz it supposedly shud start with
a freakin' FULL sentence... at least the value iz
correct... gonna blast that Ms. Shirlena home....

as u ppl are reading now...my blog has a password
in order to gain access due to some idiot named...
shaun-fan... who has gone over da limits...
prob i will put the password temporarily only juz to
get rid of that person... too bad HT's blog iz being
hounded by a person named Him... cursing her or
something... sounds like a hate-mail or some sort..

this weekend iz so gonna b boring...heLp!!!!
sunday hav to wake up so EARLY to go and pray...
guess u ppl noE whats the festival..rite?
i've been going every year and dislike it coz hav to
go through the long journey and itz tiring...

blog again ltr... to relieve the frustration...

-eNd heRe-

yupZ....me again... =D juz finished watching
qian jin bai fen bai...going to conclude soon....
oh - what to talk about..i skipped badminton CCA
today...without a reasonable reason not to go...it
started raining cats and dogs juz now..well, prob
i'll go the following week? my exam results really
horrible this time...chemistry the worst...got it
back today...gone through it...and totally hate it..
heard that alot of ppl failed biology too..solution?
STUDY HARDER !!!!!!!!!! + SMARTER - oNly way...

this time... dun hav to hear that biatch bragging
'bout her marks in English / E.S.T anymore coz..
she didnt get as high...[she told me-she gt A2] &
surprisingly i got almost da same as Meng Yean's
and E.S.T- wasnt really satisfied coz that teacher
dont know how to mark the paper...and she DARE
to tell the class tt she didnt volunteer to mark the
EST paper be4 in the real examination - O Level
a.k.a SPM.therefore.she said she doesnt know wht
iz the marking scheme like fr the directed writing..
wth....what type of teacher is she????????
anyway,no one failed EST except 2 ppl frm 5 Ama
why bother to think of it...

as far as i noE...i dun tell ppl what i got and also i
dun go asking what other ppl's got...fr their exam..
except fr close friends.... as i've been approached
by ppl like Anisha - so dying to know minE...
i noE la her chemistry got A2..or even english/EST
>even if mine's higher than theirs - i dun go round
asking / showing my paper to other ppl...
at the very least, some ppl tell me theirs first -
then i shall think whether to tell them mine too...
which iz rather a more "appropriate" way...

noW- i really LOOK DOWN on ppl like Anisha that
ask results juz to compare...and brag around...
itz not only her though...there are some other ppl
who's juz like her...and i'd really want to tell them
--> UR SUCH A DOOFUS !!! - right in their faces...

2day too...gt the new timetable schedule... they
changed a lot too this time... 3 most 'gRr] subjs
biology, chemistry + physics on the freakin same
day - thurs. hw terrifying iz that...& did i mention
that the physics lab iz decorated wif black curtains
which scares everyone - feels like we're entering fr
a funeral! soo...freakin gloomy and dark too...

now... aldy packed with A Maths, history h/w
guess i'll do it now...and finish it
ltr ppl...


kay...today's the real last day of the first term
holidays... back to reality...-> sch life... no more
unwinding anymore / go out anywhere... and h/w
all along the way... until mid-year...and another
exam to go through...
so, today went out fr lunch at KimGary's Rest. at
the Curve... then walk around the shopping mall
with my family till it started to rain heavily - then
went back home early... didnt do much - juz slack
around...looking at some notes...then went online

the first teacher that viewed my blog...Ms Daphne
Lim...! oh great... luckily it wasnt any of my sch
teachers coz all my secrets and my high sch life iz
kept here... safe frM any subj teachers who tries
to find out what i do everyday & whether i finish
their h/w..well, nt all malaysian sch kids hav blog
fr their teachers to find out...or whether teachers
even bother to read...as far as i noE - there arent
any teachers that goes on to the internet except
for that Moral teacher...
kudos to Ms. Lim fr finding out my blog coz i
accidentally put the link on messenger.so, get an
insight on the life of a Malaysian student...
dun think there's any difference with students frm
both countries...rite? =)

neway... back to sch tomorrow...hav to get up
early and go sch... will i enjoy or not?? hmm...
all depends... well, promised myself... to ::

guess i'll hav to slap myself if i really do...or if it
doesnt work then i shall bang my head on da wall
*somebody slap me! plz...

thiz iz de eNd ...

-stops hEre-

this iz da piC that i took at Times Sq with my
buddies frm 4H...
Frm left :: Jin Man, unknown, mE, Elgin, Clara
and Marie...

yay! it wuz so fun get 2 meet up again aftr a few
months..since august '05 last met.nearly couldn't
remembr jin man's name...there's a pic with
Ms. Lim in it too but she didnt send me that wan
& dunno where Cass and the gang go off to...so
didnt take piC wif her...and thanx to Jason Ging
fr takin' the pic fr us...kinda' last minute photo

well they didnt change that much since last time
i saw all of them...all da talking and joking...
brings back de memories...i still hav the card
they gave me..with all their signatures & wishes
thanx to Jac mainly..but too bad didnt see her
this time..and the Peicai T-shirt..itz still here =)

'bout last thursday... went fr chemistry class in
da morning...was blur of what teacher taught
coz i didnt go the tues. class and missed a lot..
oh well, they did an experiment and we need to
do a report on the experiment to b handed in...
- great~...nvm i'll borrow luok hoon's bk next wk
aftr the class ended...think YiNky they all went
to 1U or was it Mobil...? anyway, i went there
with Devi & met up with luok hoon..had brunch
at McD...breakfast set...and chatted all the way
aftr that, walk around 1U - old and new wing fr
many-many times...till got bored of it...
oh well, GSC was full of ppl that we had to go
TGV fr movie...seems that they reduced their tiC
price and only paid RM7 fr it...and we watched...
Shaggy Dog...the movie onli started at 3, so had
to walk around first...saw that Beng Kang...there
without his gf.at least~ & singaporeans shud go
fr another movie marathon! since the tiCs here are
so cheap a tiC bought in Sg can see 2 movies in
Malaysia - the movie wuz so fuNny! 4/5 rating...
must-see movie. well, movie was till 5.10 p.m --
so, we quickly buzz off and back home...crap! it
wuz rainin' so had to wait a lil' while fr someone
to get me....

Friday iz here.left in da morning fr Sunway Pyrmd
icE-skatiNg!!!! HuHu...!! had a great time skating
round and round till it started to hav more and
more ppl!!! so freakin' crowded...till ppl hav to
wait to get their skates coz no more! first time i
hear that skates are not available...xD
well, skated with my cousins and sis...until legs
were real sore...but not as bad as last time...
so, skated till 5 p.m and got out frm there to eat
KFC...then shop around..went to Living Cabin too
buy some stuff and went look at the arcade...
so tempted to play Daytona and Time-Crisis III
shud get Minda to come and play too...xD
but no time...had to head back home be4 it jams
real badly on da highway...got a cab and zoom
off and head home...ah well, ltr on went out fr
dinner nearby and came back quickly coz it wuz
raining heavily...and here i am to blog...

gah... holidays are ending ed !!!!!! and i wuz juz
starting to hav fun...jkjk...i still need to bind my
Moral project tomorrow?...which iz so last minute

gtg ed...ltR ppL...
*dunno why but i feel like changing my blogskin
again...shall see any other skin that i like...


Enjoyed myself fr these two days..weds and thurs..
the need to worry about anything...hahah.
kay left on de
Wednesday morning to my mum's
office so that she cud
drop me at KLCC then go
Times Sq to meet Cass and da
gang...so by 11.30
a.m left fr KL - got heavy traffic though
on the r
oads...and the singaporeans are stil at FRIM when

I wuz on my way....so, reached KLCC and walked
while waiting fr Ms. Lim to SMS me when
they reach..and
went to Kinokuniya as my mum
needed to go there first

Waiting and waiting... till it wuz lunch time...went
fr lunch
around 1 p.m with my mum since they all
havent reach yt
went to Little Penang to eat...and
by 1.30 p.m they SMS
that they reach ed...and i'm
stuck there having lunch..
so, aftr lunch i quickly
rushed there...DUMB thing iz that..
i couldn't get a
cab and had to take LRT and transfer to
and i reach about around 2 p.m + .and if it
b'coz of unavailability of caBs around i wouldn't be

late to reach...as it only takes around 5 minutes
frm KLCC
to Times Sq...gRr... couldn't find 'qian
jin bai fen bai' box set at
Tower Records !
i wuz searching fer that...

Reach ed and am SO GLAD to see all of them~!!!!
first met Ms. Lim and Ms. Sae [the bio teacher]
and some
other teachers...didnt get to see all the
students coz they
scattered around the shopping
malll...so, went with Elgin
and Cass and another
guy around the mall coz they only
hav like less
than 45 mins to go around... then later on
went missing however....went with the others to
Cosmo theme park - one of the largest indoor
theme park
sadly - 45 minutes was freakin fast -
wooosh...its time fr
them to gather to leave fr
Singapore...so, gathered at the
main entrance
while waiting fr the others...chatted alot
evryone i noE..includ Marie and the gang of 4H as
well as those frm 4I - Delia, Minda and JEANIE!!!
heard frm her fr so long...only saw her the
first day when
i was in Sg and she didnt come to
sch aftr that coz she sick

could remembr the faces indeed - juz the names
of a few
ppl that i couldnt remembr...ltr, took few
piCs with some of
them frm 4H - the class i was
in fr the exchange prog to
Sg last year - such a
short time...didnt really chatted fully
with all of
them.*regrets..not everyday they're in KL rite?

didnt see quite a few ppl that i met last yr..on
this geo trip
though...they never opt fr
attending the trip here...
sad...well, hope to get
to see them again...all good things do
come to
an end...followed them till they board onto the
- could hav hopped on the bus if i had
brought my passport
along...xD and some even
suggested that i hopped on and
they drop me
at the Johor Bahru-Singapore border...swtz!

well, it wuZ definitely worth my effort going
SO FAR down
to KL juz to meet them be4 they
leave...too bad the other 3
ppl werent there..
however, will always visit their blogs see
current affairs going on over there...=) & also 2
keep in touch la... if any of u ppl coming
down to KL again :::::

--> do give ME a call!!! kayZ!!! and also will
write to some
of ya...over the causeway...

*will update tomorrow on thurs. activity a lil'
later coz on
Friday - off to ice-skating in da
morning - finally...xD

-it ends here-

muahahah... i've finally got a new skin!!!!!!!!!
yeah...aftr scouting around blogkins...i got the one
that i like...its unique in a sense that the top pic
of the skin can change to yr liking by clicking the O
and X on the right of the blog...but one flaw in the
skin iz bcoz of the small fonts...which iz very tiny
in fact...make it difficult to see...the entries...
which are aldy in normal size not tiny size...so, if
i put tiny - it'll be tiny-er... - lame...
took along time to adjust here and there...coz wuz
a bit difficult to change the codes...as in the font
wuz very oddly done...big and small...through all
the trial and error...magnificento blogskin iz done..

kay today...i skipped my chemistry extra class..coz
i wuz too tired to go been doing my moral project
and that dumb PEKA but will go on thurs...to see
her... no la...to study - of course...well, there iz a
speculation that someone says that itz fanny but
i wont say anything but fr u ppl to wait and see...
promised myself not to fall in love....and hope i
would b able to do it...

and i dun care who da hell iz "Shaun-fan" who
anonymously have been tagging my board..saying
things that i would neva accept... esp frm a FAN!
i dun see superstars in love with their fans...so, i
dont see y shud i...not being show-off but itz the
truth wad... i aldy like someone...and thats neva
gonna change...checked the IP of the person and
it originates frm someone in P.Jaya...so obvious..
and if i hav de technology - i'll track till yr house!

well, SPM/O level results hav aldy been released
last monday...*edited due to dispute*however,
worry less bout them and worry more bout the
coming SPM fr all form 5s'...which really scares

today als, went fr dinner at a chinese restaurant
to celebrate my mum's birthday....the food was
fantastic again - i muz say.... and my parents
ordered a few nice dishes...and the total cost...
a bomb again... this iz a real atomic bomb...
RM*8* juz fr my family... ah itz mainly that big
fish & the fin soup that cost a lot...well, itz
worth it though...my birthday was only to eat at
Kim G Rest. swt!..neway, my present wuz to hav
lunch with my mother anywhere in KL this Sat.
paid by me..^_^ but budget 200 max la...

tomorrw...off to meet Cassandra and the gang in
the morning to KL -- around KLCC somewhere...
well, meeting Ms Lim too..and to also pass them
the newspaper article on de exchange programme
..hav lunch with them possibly...and walk around
and hang out on the same time...too
the other three cant go...however - dun care i'll
have all the fun with they all but nt them...huh!

blog ltr...


kay... holidays are here aldy finally...get to take a break
frm the horrendous sch..but hav to go back fr extra class
on tues. and thurs. - chemistry... and also give me some
time to finish my work that had been put-on-hold mainly
de :: moraL project...science reports and to revise...
well, i wont take the weeks break as a total vacation la
-- juz to clear things up and all...

2day, went fr lunch then went walkie-walkie at 1 Utama
didnt buy anything coz didnt hav the need to buy...so,
it wuz plain walkaround... then had dessert at Bakerzin
in the new wing... they had the best dessert EVER...
they serve lunch too but my family had cakes and I had
an apple strudle...and a latte...it wuz fabulous...
they had wine added in the cakes too but was minimal
though...the pastry i had was nicE...shall go again next
time...but when it came to da bill...it wuz superb-ex
every item ordered costs close to 10 bucks each...
so, i guess we all noE wad the total amount iz...well,
my dad paid...can la once in a while...my first time...

back to sch affairs, I dont know why but i really feel the
feeling uneasy in sch nowadays...dunno caused by wad...
its somehow i dont enjoy being in school...but this wuz
way better than last time...last time - i totally hate it.
CONFESSION :: I'm being too playful...haha =) u Adilianz
noE why rite...not being myself lately...covering up the
sadness in me - by being overly happy ? i realize too that
it affected my acad. i could hav done better in acad...
with more seriousness and effort..i used to complete my
h/w but sometimes delay...now - i totally dun hand in
like my english compo. completed a part bt neva hand in
- think i shall put a stop in this...stop this procrastination
i also hope this doesnt become like easier said than done
but will try my very best...back to the supposedly my
usual self - the one ka huey used to complain about....
-> no comments 'bout the above...plz! i dont wanna hear
gypsies / counsellors / witches looking fr an answer in
their crystal balls fr my problem...

well, "she" asked me out...shocked indeed...but not sure
when or where...but a day spent with her..shud b alright
itz not confirmed too...but isnt it - i should b the one
asking...? anyway, she asked first be4 i can say a word
bout it at all...btw, bout that thingi post on my tagg...
itz definitely not her!...and it muz b some wannabes...
a.k.a stalkers - i shall remove that soon...

well, Cassandra iz coming next week fr her geo trip...
will b meeting up if nothing comes up...hope she comes
back from FRIM will drop by 1U then meet her there...=)
instead of KL but if itz early..shud b alright if i go KL
since zw has a difficulty of going too far and a 30%
possibility of going...which iz very unlikely fr him to go
which initially interests him to go...in da first place...

next, hope i get to go fr the driving law test a.s.a.p and
get my learners license...and pass everything till i get
my P soon...and i cant find a new blogskin!!! searched
through blogskins but cant find one i like the whole day..
i wanna change my current skin....

- i'm too down to type anymore...guess i'll blog
again aftr some time...
[i will not walk this path....]


kay...i'm blogging too often ed....
ya shouldnt but nothing better to do....oh well
exams ended ed...juz Left with EST tomorrow morning
dun care la....nothing much bout that subj although
teacher said something bout computer skills...whatever
oh still...gotta finish it and blast away frm school...
looking forward in meeting Cass next week when they
arrive...next week iz also the SPM results release...
ooh...wonder whose getting d top this yr...12A1
new record...hui ting's sis aldy out ed...since gt ppl get
11A1 last yr...compared to her 10As...

well, this week iz a very boring week...with nothing
-- as in happenings... as if the sch iz totally dead...no
news...nothing! jean has been bugging bout the dunno
wad Talent Quest or something like that... itz a singing
competition - solo / group...organized by : Prom Comm.
aiya..she think i and Sara iz wad leh ?
Undercover Superstar squad meh.."we will find u where
ever u are..." frm thats so raven xD... the prize quite
ok la...not so lousy and all...dunn worry will put up some
advert in school... btw, anyone noticed the Joyclub
Dance Studio poster...? haha...if u didnt notice then u r
real blind...dance hip-hop and line dancing..too bad they
dun have latin dance- can c Mr. Lok dance =)

kay this iz a short entry - blogging too much ed... shall
not say too much due to "stalkers" around...zooming in
on my personal issues - need some privacy eh!



oh...itz wednesday ed & going 2 b end of da week
finally..yaya...exam havent finish and i'm online to
blog and all..tomorrw's chemistry and started
studying ed since the very afternoon i got back..
had a migraine frm the freakin' add maths paper
...the paper started out very well...doing functions
and stuff till it got closer to section B i wuz gettin'
more difficult ed...couldnt do the last question of
section B but not entirely all but some couldn't...

well, juz do and do...without knowing whether itz
correct anot...always remembr that crazy teacher
say - u think u are correct but you're not..
--------------SCREW her la.---------------
physics on the other hand was much simpler -
onli use 2 formulaes...and juz calculate...and some
explanation to do fr the essay part...considered
quite ok...except that i wuz late passing up my
physics paper coz i did wrongly and re-do - luckily
i realized first - didnt take much time...aftr
tomorrw's chemistry - itz onli Malay, Moral and
EST to take and runs away...darn it got Chemisty
extra class during the holidays...

right - really a hectic week... ignored some ppl i do
not want to talk to..and havent been talking to her
lately..."her" as in not anybody her but specifically
her...xD mayb coz got exam - hardly got the time...
anyway, holi coming...if i dare will ask her out...=)
mayb i would la...depends...
oh, Cass and her gang are coming here fr their geo
trip suppose to meet her but dunno when and how
coz their teacher say no talking 2 strangers and no
something else...they're stayin at Dynasty hotel...
which i think i noE where but not sure....think itz
near PWTC..her last day was touring KL & weirdly
with a tourguide swtz! sounds a bit difficult...was
thinking of having lunch together or something...
since last met her last yr...

kay...back to chemistry...

[for my exam, not fr the sake of the subj...]


fine! here blogging aftr all...let's talk about yesterday...
it wuz BM paper that i skipped 2 go fr the environmental
science quiz together with Dennis and Shahrul to
SMK USJ 13..we were driven by WYC there..in her volvo
had biology in da morning - wanted to go but had to
leave early...juz in case cant find da sch...so, going near
subang there then went into USJ and the area wuz so far
inside...and poof - there's a school there...quite nice
compared to tiny SMK Bandar Utama...it wuz new tooo..
it has at least 20 units of air-conditioning in the blocks
a nice driveway...nice porch...very spacious...
unlike here...all the cars hav to squeez into 1 lane juz to
enter the sch compound...they had nice windows too...
something like the singaporean schs that had half metal
windows and the other half iz glass...vital fr seeing the
blackboard ! oh well, arrived there then had to register
according to district...which wuz under petaling jaya...
schools around selangor itself...it seems to b quite a big
event coz the written quiz iz held in the same time as
well as other states...so, waited at the hall till 10 am
befr going to the classes fr the quiz...
we're definately nt the onli ones... met Auli and Liyana
there when about to take the quiz...so, quiz ended at
11 a.m then went to the hall...and suppose to wait fr
them to mark the answer sheet... when tat lady said
that she doesnt hav the answer...and we had to go
back and she'll tell the results to the teachers...

so, went back...unconditionally...then WYC took us
to eat at a mamak stall near Taman Megah be4 going
back to school...xD and she paid the bill...haha!
muz tell her to do it again another time...
eating time wuz seriously quiet man...and i'm so not
used with the quiet atmosphere...everyone's like
shuuush...oh well, mayb coz i'm de only form five
and both dennis and shahrul are quiet...and they only
spoke a word or two..then aftr that - hopped on to her
car and head back to school...it wuz only 12 o'clock...
so, went to class and see whats happening...heheh!
all quiet taking the BM paper....i'm onli taking mine on
thursday i think - that teacher say she dun want to stay
aftr sch juz becoz i'm taking the paper...whatever la..
the later the better..so, nothing then went back EARLY

so, today!!!! had biology in da morning then modern
maths aftr recess...fine i didnt remembr the part that
they ask 'bout the tree and the fuction of its roots...
some crap answer i put in...and also couldnt remembr
the part 'bout heart in animals.sorry to say that i prefer
remembering the ones related to humans...it turned out
that the diagram was about an amphibian - FROG !!!!!
guess wad i put...another crappy answer...
then fr modern maths...i couldnt figure out the answer
fr the graph section...bout drawing a line..which i didnt
get it therefore didnt do...another question not quite
sure about wuz graf fungsi (II) topic...came out in the
second part...so, juz did it....juz nt sure de answer...

OH - SCREW IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nw..preparing fr next weeks exam going on fr the whole
of the next weeek.... monday's history and english...
hate history...reminds me of the lullaby teacher...

kay...now trying to put love & relationships aside fr a
while...exam's more important...zw keeps bugging me
`bout who i like...i dont think it matters actually...
the thing iz i'm nt sure how to express it...and mayb
she aldy has another guy...who knows...which has a
high possibility...like another case i heard...
think i will say it when itz the right time...not anytime
now...but soon i hope...wish me luck...xD

done blogging...till next time... =)


kay...i'll make this a short entry as i am lack of time...
ya...coz nw finishing up my Moral project to b handed in
by latest this Friday means tomorrw muz go bind ed..
if nt, she'll[Ms. Shirlena] go bonkers...last wk, went fr
YiNky's burFday party..at her huse at tropz...it wuz a
nite party so we're treated to a marvelous "buffet"
made by her mother...faNtastiC!
she shud do it more often leh..xD well, we dun normally
get to hav such gatherings very often ya noE...
so, enjoyed it to da fullest and some others that i dun
wan to go into futher detail...
well, something that shocked me that someone broke up
and in the end they missed each other...
---------------question = what the heck?-----------------
normally ppl break up - they dun tend to miss / luv/care
fr each other ed...so, that puzzled me...neway, i'm not
discouraging them la...well, love iz practically blind
anyway...so start over lo...love can be a fantastic thing
ya noE...a person juz hav to feel it...its a mutual thing..
well, its all jz my opinion...kay! NOTHING RELATED 2 mE

so, pass few days was was totally focused to studies...
ya..till i was carried away togethr with it..been revising
the important subjs...and bad news iz s-tupid sch change
the exam schedule and starts on Thurs...instead of the
original plan = Friday...Thurs= Malay
and this Fri iz biology and modern maths...

today, meng yean went fr the taylor's debate workshop..
and anisha supposedly to go but came back coz no space
fr her in da car...swt! so malu man...she juz said gd bye
juz be4 she came back...hope that doesnt happen to me
coz defering tomorw's Malay paper fr the enviromental
science quiz in a school in USJ - thurs morning...
i dunwann o sit fr that..siNce teacher say can anytime sit
fr da paper when free...xD aftr they say cancel and i end
up hav to take exam - swt! *crosses finger

think better stop here... will blog again another
long next time...
